Inside The Asylum

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As we walked Aaron wouldn't let go of my hand i'm not really sure why, but I didn't mind. I felt kinda bad for holding his hand and sitting with him, but I had been thinking for a long time about ending it with Cameron and maybe this was the time that I should.  " Hey Elizabeth come take this picture of me and Alice" said Jonas. They were next to the sign that read Paradise Meadows Mental Asylum. It was kind of messed up with cracks and breaks running through it, but I pulled out my camera and took the picture.

"Hey you and Aaron should take a picture together" said Alice in her bubbly voice.She didn't really give us a chance to answer before she started to pose us." Okay Aaron help Lizzy up to the top of the sign and you will stand under her making sure that she doesn't fall off" Aaron picked me up and put me on the sign I sat down and he stood under my feet now pretending that he was helping me up. Alice took the picture then told Jonas to stand over there with Aaron and continue to pretend that he was helping me. I jumped off the sign and Aaron caught me laughing because in the process of him catching me we fell.

"Why did you jump" Aaron asked letting me out of his arms.

"I don't know because I wanted too" I laughed grabbing his hand once again.

We walked up to the doors of the asylum. At first it looked normal then we seen the writing all over the walls some was from stupid kids who didn't respect the history of the place and the rest was from the patient's written on the walls  the words It's too late for us  and strange things like I like how your dreams taste. Some of the writing was rituals and pictures that looked like the devil. I made sure to take pictures for proof that we had seen these things because I felt like if I told anyone they wouldn't believe me . As we walked down one of the halls we found a wheelchair inside it was a man he was long gone the only reason we had stopped to look at him was because he had a letter in his hand it read "Run as far away from this place and don't ever think of coming back...." the rest was to hard to read. As Jonas read it aloud I could tell Alice was getting scared. She's normally one of the first ones to ask if we can leave. The only time i've ever asked to leave was when we were in this place that was falling apart.

" Hey Lizzy come look at this" yelled Aaron. I went to where he was and he had found some of the rooms. Inside one room laid a women she seemed to be holding a doll and she had written on the I WILL FINALLY BE WITH MY CHILD. It almost brought me to tears because this could have been a innocent women and the only reason why she was here was because these people wanted more people to conduct their sick twisted experiments. We left the room to find another room this room thankfully didn't have any dead bodies in there, but it did have blood and needles all over the room and the word RUN dripping down from the ceiling. I didn't even think to ask how that person got up there I just pulled Aaron out. " Is everything okay you seem on edge" Aaron asked putting his arms around me.

"Yeah it's just think about it someone may have made it and they're still just walking around here" I said putting my head on the shoulder.

"Trust me if there is someone here i've got you" He said kissing the top of my head and pushing my head off his shoulder.

" Why do you do this to me" I said

"Do what" He asked as if he didn't know that I was starting to understand that he liked me and that he probably liked me more then I had ever realised it before

"You know what i'm dating Cameron right now I don't know what else you want me to do"  I don't want to hurt him and I know that this is not the best place to talk about this but something need to be said.

"I know you're dating Cameron and I know that you don't like me the way I like you and I get I wasn't trying to make things weird" he said he wasn't getting mad, but I could tell that he was upset.

"I wouldn't have said anything if I didn't like you the same way you know that I care about and..." I said he stopped me grabbed me by my waist and kissed me.

"Yeah I know you care and I know that you love me" He said he was going to walk away, but I stopped him and told him that I no longer wanted to be with Cam and that he was the only one that I wanted. He smiled and grabbed my hand. " Look I bet the others are worried about us let's find them and continue looking around this place we can talk about this when we leave." He said kissing my forehead and then leading me on the rest of the way.

"Jonas" I called they probably wondered off and now are lost in this place I thought to myself "Alice. Where could they have gone Jonas would never leave us unless Alice was in danger" I said now getting a little worried about whether or not that had gotten hurt.

" They should be fine probably just making out in some old room" Aaron laughed and pulled out his phone. " Look it's getting dark in here get your phone and shine a light i'll try and text Jonas." He said opening the app on his phone. I got out my phone and turned on the flashlight we didn't need it yet, but I know that it would make Aaron feel better if I went ahead and turned it on.

"While we wait for them to answer do you want to go explore some more" I said smiling at Aaron and grabbing his hand. He said yes and we went walking down this very long hallway. There weren't any rooms really just these strange paintings. " No wonder the people hear were crazy anyone in there right mind would go crazy after looking at those painting for too long" I said trying not to make this whole thing seem boring.

" Yeah I know what you mean them things are given me the creeps" He said making a fake shiver then laughing.

We came up to a set of stairs. Aaron took my phone and headed down first. The ceiling above read Showers this way some of the words scratched out with what seemed like blood. When we got to what should be the shower room we found bathtubs and written all over the walls and ceiling were the words Never going to be free only freedom is death. It seemed as if everyone here had given up hope. In one of the tubs there was a stuffed bunny Aaron shined the light on it and we seen the rabbit had blood all over it, but that wasn't the only thing there was a hand almost the size of a child still attached to it. Aaron looked at me to make sure that I was okay hoping that this didn't bring up to many memories for me. I gave him a slight nod and we counted walking around. That's when we heard Alice scream she was the only person I know that sounded like the people in movies when she screams. We ran up stairs and back to the lobby where we had started there she was standing alone in the dark screaming. She turned around looked at us and fell no warning she just fell. Aaron and I run up to her to see if she was okay. Aaron checked her and then slowly stood up " Don't look whatever you do don't look we need to get out of here now" by the shaking in his voice I know Alice was dead and there was nothing that we could do to help her.

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