The End

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Aaron grabbed my hand and started running. Tears falling down my face I can't believe Alice died she had her whole life planned out. She wasn't the smartest person, but she know what she wanted to do with her I remember sitting down with her and talking about things like that. She wanted to be a dancer she know that it would be hard but she didn't care she said that she was going to try and not let people get to her.

" Come on Lizzy we have to find Jonas and get out of here" Aaron yelled he was practically pulling my arm out of place. I didn't say anything I just keep running until we fell down the stairs " Lizzy are you okay" Aaron asked walking over to me.

" I think I broke my foot" I said trying to stay calm. Aaron picked me up and carried me on his back the rest of the time.

" Look I can't just leave you here, so i'll carry you the rest of the" He said I could tell he was scared by the way his body was shaking and the tears that were falling from his face. I kissed the back of his head I know that it wasn't the time to get romantic, but I was just trying to make him feel better. " Thanks" He said looking back at me and counting to walk I didn't ask him why he said thanks I just know.

"I see you, you can't hide" A voice ring through the halls and following it was the sound of metal running across the walls.

"What was that" I asked I know had my head pressed into Aaron's back.

" Don't know, but we need to hide turn off your flashlight and we'll hide in one of the rooms" He said grabbing my phone and turning off the light we were in complete darkness with a psychopath.

We found a room that we could lock behind us. Aaron shut the door and locked it he turned on the flashlight just to make sure that there wasn't anyone in the room with us. He finally went to the bed where he sat me down. I could tell that he was tried and I didn't want him to have to carry me anymore. He sat down on the floor beside the bed.

" You should try and get some rest i'll stay up and keep watch of the door" Aaron said looking up at me. His face was beaten and bruised I couldn't keep looking at him and not being able to help him. I got off the bed and sat in his lap.

" Aaron you can't keep going on like this let me watch the door while you get some sleep because trust me after seeing what i've seen today I want get any sleep" I said laying my head on his shoulder.

He put his head on the white padding of the wall " I can't sleep knowing that the thing that probably killed Alice is out there trying to kill you" he said warping his arms around me and leaning his head as far back as the wall would let him.

"We'll be fine please get some sleep for me" I said I just let him stay awake and waste his energy just to try and save my life.

The next morning we woke up still laying on the floor. He slowly woke up and woke me up then checked out side to make sure that we could get out and find a new place to hid or a way out. When he opened the door he found a note that looked like it was written in blood and we guessed that is was because across the hall we saw Jonas. He was covered in blood and his head was gone. On the note it said That's two little pigs dead only two left. Aaron through the note down and picked me up.

" We need to go" He said now he wasn't scared but him was mad. The only time I had seen him like this was when Cameron cheated on me with like 6 other people. I never know way I took him back, but Aaron went to his house cursed him out and hit him with a bat. It scared me when he got like this time he wouldn't even let me on his back. He was just holding me in his arms.

"Aaron put me down" I said he was starting to scare me and I didn't want to be in the middle of him and whatever he was planning on doing. He stopped and looked at me then realised why I wanted down.

" I'm sorry I just can't believe that someone would do that to Joans he know everything he wanted to do in life. He was going to go to college him and Alice were even planning on having kids and now their both dead and can't live out any of those dreams. I guess the reason i'm acting like this is because I know that you plans for your life. All three of you know everything that you want to do and if this thing kills you then you won't be able to live out life not only for you, but for them" He said putting me down and backing up against a wall. Tears were running down his face I didn't know how to handle him when he got like this.

" I don't have life planned out all I know is I want to get out of here with me and you in one piece" I said sitting next to him.

We sat there talking for a little bit and then when we calmed down we got up and looked for and exit. We found it, but we still had to deal with that thing.

"While while the little pigs are here ready to die" it said giving off a grim smile laughing.

" What do you want from us" I yelled I was getting tired of the games that this man had been putting us through.

" OH poor Elizabeth always so stupid" It said how did it know my name and who was it

" How do you know who I am" I yelled Aaron grabbed my arm I had no idea what was going on

" It's me" He took off his mask it was Cameron, but why

"Cameron why would you kill are friends" Aaron said he was ready to run at him and kill him, but I held him back.

" Your friends were taking all of your attention and I know that Aaron liked you, so best to kill two birds with one stone. I had planned for you to be the only one to leave, so now i'll give you a choice save yourself or you can die here with your beloved Aaron." He said pulling out a gun and pointing it at Aaron. I guess he thought that I would choose to save myself, but there is no way that I could live my life knowing that I just let him die plus I loved him how could I just let someone kill him. I don't know why, but for some reason I think Aaron thought I would leave too. I ran into his arms trying to use my body as a shield to protect him as soon as I did Cameron took the shot.

Aaron's POV

I hoped that she would leave with Cameron and live a happy life, but she didn't instead she ran into my arms. I kissed her head and then he pulled the trigger. The idiot didn't bring to bullets because he thought she would ran away with him. I fell to my knees begging him to kill me with her, but he refused. He said that she had made her choice and that there was no way that I could help her or be with her. I looked around room for anything all my friends had died and now the only person that really cared about me died. She told me all the plans that she had for life and how she wanted me to be apart of those plans. I have no idea what i'm going to do now without her. I got up and looked around the room and that's when I found a piece of glass it was the only thing that would set me free from this world.

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