A letter to you

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Some say,

"It would be enough just for one more glimpse..."

But for me,

It is not,

It is just not enough,

Can't you see?

I want more!

But, do I lie in your memories?

At least,

The ones caught from a distance with love,

And hope for something new...

What I wouldn't do...

Just to be with you...

As an acquaintance?


As a friend?


As my only living reason?

I think so too.

But I don't want to live on this false faith!

What if you're not what I thought you were?

And what if you are...

But you despise me?

The "what If's" never cross my mind.

It only surrounds the memories,

And tries to corrupt our future.

Can you see me?

I know you do.

You always have,

I hope you always will.


I know you always will.

All of this certainty is what causes the uncertainty.

So what is there left to do?

Keep you in my heart,

Safely locked by my warm walls of blood.

And if I'm not in yours?

The "what if's" again fall apart.

And the lonely harp plays the melodies,

I sing the lyrics of the solemn dark,

And light comes to seal the pact,

Of our thoughts and love to ever last.

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