A different kind of love...the best

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If I could take a picture,

What would I see?

A giant on stand,

Glorious indeed.

No color is to judge,

Height unimportant,

But a life so kind,

It makes all of him gorgeous.

And I'm just a tiny block,

In this world full of spheres,

So disappointed to see,

How corrupt it is here.

And we cry,

While you hold me tight,

Your light,

Always takes away my fright.

It doesn't matter that they can't see you,

That doesn't mean I can't,

And you see them,

Thinking they can hide from your powerful glance.

And I'm not alone,

Even though monsters bring me down,

I'm knocked out,

While they think they've taken their toll.

But they can't believe,

I rise to defeat them,

You see,

I'm not alone,

With you there's nothing I can't be.

Brainless selfish pleas,

Like that green piece would actually

give some assurance here,

like that's what happiness is supposed to be,

like that's the only thing we need.

They run away from you,

Angry and afraid of your amazing deeds,

Then they corrupt me,

Or at least they try with no succeed.

Like we only had one life to live...

If things do not go as we believe,

Then why give in to greed?

Why destroy what's left of our gift in this beautiful land damaged by our disease?

You don't have to listen to their horrid versions of belief!

Find your own and believe!

What are you waiting for?


Explore what you fear!

Stop making your life a hideous drama.

He's waiting...

Because I asked him how much he loved me and he said,

"This big!"

Spreading his arms as wide as he could.

And died as they punctured his flesh with jealousy.

That's all the proof you'll ever need.

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