number three.

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"Austin Gilbert?" my mom asked with a small scoff at the end.

i nodded and said a small yes and looked up at the ceiling. i'm in the hospital, the doctor said i had a concussion. i have a broken ankle too, and my pinkie is broken.

"i can't believe this happened, and on the first day," she shook her head in disbelief. "guess we're switching schools-"

"no!" i stopped her in the middle of her sentence and she looked at me shocked.

"no? ezra, you have a concussion and broken bones! it hasn't even been an hour since you've been in school and already you're getting beaten up." mom pointed out, her face turned red from anger and her fist were clenching onto the pile of paperwork in her hands.

"i know, but we just moved here, we can't move now and you know it." i said.

"wait until your father finds out, he's working at the factory late tonight and he'll be back by lunch tomorrow." she said.

i sighed, my dad is super protective over me and tries to protect me and mom any chance he gets. he's caring and loving and wants nothing but the best for me and mom, and when he finds out what happened he'll be furious and try to find Austin.

if he does he'll get sent to jail again. my dad always gets sent to jail, sometimes for nothing and sometimes for helping his family out.

"mom," i spoke up after a couple minutes of silence. "can i ask you something?" she nodded.

"anything, baby." she said with a sigh at the end. she looked exhausted.

"um, was life always like this? where people like us get beaten up and thrown in jail for just walking the wrong way?"

my mom sighed and looked to her feet which is something she does when she's upset or nervous, and i know my question probably brought a bunch of bad memories back to her.

"i wish i could tell you all the stuff that happened when i was your age, but if i do, theres no way you'd look at me the same." my eyebrows furrowed and i grew confused by her words. what did that mean?


me and Ethan are chilling at Riley's house getting high with her best friend Alexandria. we're out in Riley's backyard which had a big pool, we'll probably get in that tonight or sooner.

"yo, you got any more beer?" Ethan asked Riley.

"duh what do you think this is? theres more in the basement, in that closet by the heater." Riley replied.

Ethan leaves to get more beer and that leaves me, Alex, and Riley alone.

"so...Gray," Riley starts. "you stopped Austin the other day from beating up that pig?" she said and took a sip of her beer.

"um, sorta... i just didn't want him to kill her. he can go to jail for that." i replied with a shrug.

"who cares if she died? besides, Austin would only be in jail for a couple weeks, days even. that stupid disgusting, bitch pig deserved the beating." Alex rolled her eyes at Riley's comment.

"you okay Alex?" i asked, nudging her shoulder a little.

"yeah, i have to go, its getting late." she began to gather up her stuff when Ethan came back.

"leaving so soon? i got the drinks!" Ethan shouted laughing. Riley laughed and held her hand out for a beer, Ethan gave her one and kissed her.

"sorry i'm not thirsty, i really have to get home." Alex rushed inside.

"well, i gotta use the bathroom." i made up, but its not like they were listening anyways, Ethan and Riley were already making out. they can never keep their hands off each other.

i hurry up and chase after Alex to figure out why she just left, i knew she was hiding something. Alex is the weird girl at school, quiet, always distanced herself from other people.

her so-called 'best friend' Riley, always pressured her into doing things that involve socializing. i grab onto Alex's wrist when she was about to open the front door to leave.
she yanked her arm from my grasp and turned around, a confused and scared look on her face.

"where are you going?" i asked.

"none of your business." she says quickly then opened the door to leave but i slammed it shut.

"you're not leaving until you tell me why you're acting so weird today." i said sternly.

"i don't know what the fuck you're talking about, i really have to get going. unlike your parents, mine are actually concerned if i'm out later than supposed to." Alex sassed, giving a sarcastic smile. 

i ignored that comment, "i saw you roll your eyes when Riley mentioned that girl from yesterday, that Austin was beating up."

Alex sighed, "look, Grayson, you really shouldn't be talking to me. as i said before, i really have to go." she opens the door and leaves, this time, i don't stop her.

i shook my head and made my way back to Ethan and Riley. i'll figure whats up with Alex sooner or later, right now, i just wanna get fucked up.

i am deeply, truly sorry for no chapters being uploaded in a few days, i was writing this every day but i kept getting writers block which sucked big time!

but here's the third chapter, finally. hope you liked and enjoyed beauts.

-novia ❤️🐙

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