number four.

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today is the first day i'm seeing Austin since what happened at school with the girl and that whole N word situation. i'm pretty nervous to be honest but i know he wont do anything to me, considering i'm the one who made him who he is. i made him popular. he's not popular because of his hatred for the blacks, but because my family is the richest family in the neighborhood. anyone to be friends with me or Ethan, or our sister, is considered cool and popular.

Austin wouldn't end his friendship with me if it meant to save his family's life. he loves the popularity and the attention he gets. i was putting away my books in my locker when the devil himself came walking up to me with a wide smile on his face.

"Grayson, my man!" Austin exclaims as he pats my back and shakes my shoulders a bit.

"hey Austin." i gave him a fake smile, nodding my head at him.

"so, i got myself a girlfriend." he says with a proud smirk.

"really? who?" i acted like i cared, when really i couldn't care less about what he's doing and who he's doing it with.

"i don't remember her name, but, she's hot and thats all that matters!" he laughed and stuck his tongue out.

i forced a laugh. he always has girls around him, he's a ladies man for some reason, i guess girls like guys who fuck them then leave them.

"we had sex in my dad's car this morning, her ass is hella fat dude." Austin threw his head back dramatically. "i'd hit that ten times in a day."

"okay, i don't need to know about your sex life Austin." i said cringing.

Austin rolled his eyes, when he looked behind me his lips curled into his famous douchebag smirk.

"and here comes the hottie herself." i turn around and a girl i never noticed around school before.

she smirks at Austin and when she reaches us her arms go on his shoulders and she leans up to kiss him. great, another couple to third wheel around.

"alright then, i guess i'll get going..." i trail off awkwardly. i shut my locker and walked away. i decided to wait in my first class of the day, which doesn't start until another ten minutes but i guess i'll just be early.

i'm not usually early to class but i'd rather be in class now than watch my friend and his supposed "girlfriend", who he'll leave in about a couple hours, suck each others faces off.

i walked in my first class, every was seat empty besides mine. a black girl is sitting in my seat. i was furious, my seat is at the front, the blacks sit in the back. she was on her phone so she didn't notice me walk in, i angrily stomp over to her, my jaw clenched and hands balled up into fists.

"the fuck do you think you're doing?!" i snapped and she jumped, quickly looking up and putting her flip phone down.

blacks only get to use flip phones while people like me, rich and classy, get the good stuff. such as houses, food, jobs, clothes, ect. she had short hair, no makeup on, and it looked like she was wearing clothes that she found on the street. she smelt horrible, too. i almost gagged at the smell.

"i-i'm sorry!" she stutters nervously. i could see the fear in her eyes as she examines my angry expression.

"you better be, now get the fuck out of my seat before i throw you out." i pointed to the back of the class.

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