Meeting Gorillaz

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3 person POV

The day of the concert arrived and you got ready. It was going to start 9:00 pm and it was 6:30 pm. You put on your favorite Gorillaz t shirt and your favorite black ripped jeans. You just packed a small bag with your phone and some cash. The arena wasn't far from your house so you left at 8:00 pm. When you arrived at the arena you showed the security your VIP pass. When you arrived at the lounge you were one of four people.

Each one of the VIP members got a private room with one of the members of the of the band. Of course 2-D chose your room.

"Hey you." He said, while walking towards you and giving you a hug. You could smell the cigarettes in his jacket.
"Hi." You said. "Thank you for giving me VIP passes." You added.
"Anything for my favorite youtuber." He replied. You blushed and were surprised by this comment. You thanked 2-D and talked for a little while.

Then it came time for the band to go onstage and preform their show. It was awesome. You danced to all the songs and sang all the lyrics.

You were about to go, but something called to you. "(Y/N)!" 2-D said. "Can I see you again?" He asked you. "If you have time then of course." You said, he gave you a piece of paper and it had 2-D's phone number. You smiled and quickly added him to your contacts. "See you!" You said and ran off.  2-D smiled to himself and when he was all alone he started jumping and dancing. When you got home you came to your dog Penny and hugged her.

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