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Lorely's POV~~~
Today is the day!!! Nattie and I are so excited we are on a plane to Europe at this very moment! I've never been on a plane before, when it took off I thought I was going to die Nattie said that landing is worse than taking off, normally that'd scare me but not today I'm so excited that I'm not even afraid. We both bought a ton of One Direction merch before we left, which might be kinda weird considering we are dating two of the boys but we don't care. Louis and Liam bought us first class seats! We are flying into London.....
"I'm sooo excited!" Nattie says
"I know right!" I agree "this is going to be amazing!"
"Bzzzzz," my phone vibrates
How much longerrrr??? ~Lima Bean
Idk like 30 minutes i think ~Me
I can't wait 😊 ~Lima Bean
See you soon ~Me

Nattie and I look at each other this is going to be awesome!!!
Eve's POV~~~
I've been home now for two days. I'm so happy to be back where everything is familiar and I don't feel like an outsider. Right now I'm sitting on my bed I love this room. Tomorrow I plan to go and volunteer at a weekly vbs camp I used to go to when I was younger it'll be nice to see some of my friends and stuff...
Harry's POV~~~
We are at the airport in London waiting for Nattie and Lorely's plane to arrive...
*Twenty Minutes Later*
"It just landed!" Louis says after checking his phone for the hundredth time
After like five minutes we see them they run to Liam and Louis and they hug. I look at Niall he's looking at the floor.....
"What's up Niall?" I ask
He looks up at me I can tell there are tears in his eyes. He fakes a smile.
"Nothing mate," He lies
Liam, Louis and the girls look at us.
"Lets go," Liam says as he throws Lorely over his shoulder.
"Liammmmm," Lorely says"put me down!!"
We all laugh as Liam holds her tighter and runs outside to bus.
When we climb on the bus Louis shows them around not that there is much to show.
"Bathroom,kitchen,couch,bunks," Louis points"these are your bunks not that you'll probably ever sleep in them, most of the time we stop at hotels, but still"
"Thanks," Nattie says
"Yeah thank you," Lorely says
"and you can put your stuff here," Liam says pointing to the empty bunk across from their's
"Ok," Lorely nods
The bus is already crammed we got a bigger one this year but still six people on a bus is a lot. If I had a girlfriend I want her with too though, so I'll deal with it for Liam and Louis.

Leaving HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora