WDBHG & Pain

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Eve's POV~~~
I've been home for a week now. Today I'm going to the mall with my friend...
*At The Mall*
We've been at the mall for a while and now we are eating Subway in the food court.
"So tell me everything," she says
"Huh?" I ask
"Oh I don't know, maybe about how you dated the one and only NIALL HORAN," she whispers
I feel like I just got the wind knocked out of me. I was just starting to forget about him why did she have to start this conversation. I push those thoughts away, she didn't mean to hurt me she's just curious like anyone would be.
"There's not much to tell," I mumble
Except about how I was desperately in love with him and he cheated on me.
"When we were younger you wouldn't shut up about him," she laughs " and now you've lived you biggest dream and you won't tell me anything?"
Some dream. to have your heart shattered by the guy you thought was perfect. I can feel the tears brimming my eyes. I look up at her.
"Oh my gosh," she says "I'm so sorry I should've realized this would be hard for you,"
"That's ok," I try to keep my voice even
"Can we leave?" I ask "you could come over and,"
"Of course," she says
So we go to my family home and I tell her everything about being in California including Ni...him.
"It's just," I explain "of course I'm mad, but more then that I'm lonely and hurt. I thought... I thought he was the on, it sounds silly but I mean it felt so right and now..."
She seems to understand. After a few hours she goes home leaving me alone to think about everything...
Niall's POV~~~
I'm sitting on a bed in my hotel room. We don't have a show till 8 o'clock since it's only noon I have some time to myself. I wish I could forget everything that happened or better yet go back in time and change things so that she'd be here right now. Having Lorely and Nattie with on tour has only made things harder. I just can't get over the fact that this is all my fault, that the person I wanted to protect I ended up hurting.
*At The Concert*
"What songs next boys?" Liam asks
"Where do broken hearts go I believe," Louis says
I scan the crowd and take a deep breath before the song. As I'm about to start I see a sign that changes everything. It was a simple sign it said...
I doubt it even phased anyone else but it hit me. Hard. The music starts playing and I have no choice but to sing.
"Counted all my mistakes and there's only one," I sang desperately trying to keep my voice even "standing out from the list of the things I've done,"
I can feel my heart pumping twice as fast as it should
"All the rest of my crimes don't come close to the look on your face when I let you go," I sing
Suddenly I stop. I can't go on. All I can see right now is her face on that day with tears streaming down her cheeks. The boys all look at me, I shake my head, I can't. Harry starts singing the rest of my solo, Liam and Louis walk over to me.
"you ok mate?" Liam asks
"What happens man?" Louis says
"I...I," I stutter "I don't know,"
They both look at me they're obviously concerned. I hope they can't see the tears starting to form in my eyes although I'm pretty sure they're obvious.
"We'll take a beak after this song," Liam says as they walk away to finish the the song and cover my parts.
I nod my head, but I wish we wouldn't, I wish we could just move on like nothing happened. After the song we all head backstage and sit down.
"What happened Niall?" Harry asks
"Nothing," I lie "I'm just tired,"
"Something's obviously wrong," Liam says
"Niall, you guys were there for me when my mom passed and we're here for you now," Louis says
I take a deep breath
"It just..." I start "I'm such a bloody idiot, I hurt the person i love the most and ruined our relationship for good. Everything I see reminds me of her and how she'd be here right now if i hadn't messed up,"
They look at each other for a second
"Look mate," Liam says "we know this is hard for you, and yes you messed up but there is a possibility of you two getting back together and if you don't you will get over it eventually,"
"And remember we are always here for you," Harry adds
"Thanks guys," I say
"No problem Neil," Louis says "but the fans await!"
They're right there Is a tiny sliver of hope that we might get back together. But I don't think they understand she wasn't just another girlfriend I really thought she was the one...

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