4: Brooklyn

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Outside of the deli, Katherine went off with Jack to interview the leader of the strike, leaving the twins surrounded by a group of newsies. Mind you, the group was smaller, as many of the boys had run off to various boroughs to try and convince them to join the cause. But, there was still a smaller group of boys who were still there, having been more of them than neighborhoods that were actually accessible.

Before Jack had left with Katherine, he had called over to Davey, the boy in the white shirt. "Hey Dave! Meet at the lodgin' house when yous done with whatever your family wants ya to do. Then we can head off to Brooklyn."

Davey nodded, standing beside his little brother as he heard Jack's order. "Alright, I'll be there," he told him, though he didn't look like he was excited about it.

Then, Rebecca called to the two of them, surprising most of the remaining people. "Wait! I'm going to Brooklyn too!" she declared.

That was when Jack and Davey both froze and turned around. "You want to go to Brooklyn?" Davey asked.

"Yeah, why not? I didn't get to do my rebellious plan this morning, so why don't I defy my father anyway by going to Brooklyn without him knowing?" Rebecca replied.

"Yous sure you wanna do this? Brooklyn's not the best place for a girl," Jack offered, then realized what he said and who was around him. Immediately, he had glares resting on him from both Katherine and Rebecca, and Elizabeth was looking at him with a questioning look.

"You wanna say that again? Because I don't care. I'm coming along, you're not stopping me. Besides, maybe I can get some good information on this for your story," Rebecca mused, looking back at Katherine for her approval when she said her last sentence.

"If I told you no, you wouldn't listen to me anyway, so go ahead," Katherine mused, unable to suppress a small smile. "Besides, if any of us can handle Brooklyn, it would be you. Find yourself a notebook so you can jot things down for me if anything happens, okay? Then come to my place once you're done."

"Consider it done," Rebecca replied with a grin.

Davey nodded in her direction, then looked down at the ten year-old beside him. "C'mon, Les, the folks are waiting," he directed, and the pair started down the street.

Rebecca hesitated for a second, then shot a look at her sister. "I'll see you at home later, okay?" she called. Before she could even get a response, she was off on the sidewalk in the other direction towards home, wanting to get the notebook as quickly as possible so they could be off to Brooklyn. Yes, she lived close to Brooklyn, and could have gone at any time, but she'd never really felt the need to go until all these things had happened. Besides, it would be way too much fun to go against her father's wishes.

She made it home fairly quickly and plowed through the door, almost knocking over Bill, who was coming out the door. "Rebecca, there you are! I-," he began, but was cut off by the young girl's rushed response.

"Sorry, Bill, I gotta go!" Rebecca called down to him, running straight up the stairs past him, her hair falling out of its updo as she rushed past.

"Wait!" Bill tried to stop her, but he knew it was of no use. There would be no stopping Rebecca whenever she was like this, running fast and on a mission. He sighed, then called after her, "I'll talk to you at dinner, then?"

"Maybe! I might be at Katherine's for dinner," Rebecca called back, thinking it would be a good idea to cover her tracks with some excuse, in case she didn't make it home from Brooklyn in time.

Bill nodded, accepting this answer before he exited the house and turned the corner, heading out to call on Darcy.

After grabbing her notebook and pen from her room, Rebecca was out the door and heading in the opposite direction of Bill, back towards the square. She avoided the calls after her from her mother, probably reprimanding her for yelling in the house with Bill or allowing herself to look as disheveled as she did (which, in all honesty, wasn't all that disheveled at all).

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