20: For Sure

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A week passed, and everything was better than ever before. The newsies had gone back to selling and circulation was up, higher than it had been before the strike, Katherine was back writing articles for The Sun and had been promoted from the social pages, and the twins were finding their way in this new world of theirs.

Early in the morning that Sunday, the newsies were all waiting in line for their papers. Race, as usual, was leading the group of newsies who attempted to convince Wiesel and the Delanceys to spot them some papes. “Hey Weasel, do ya know what day it is today?” Race started, leaning against the wall of the distribution center.

“Clearly you don’t know my name, so of course you don’t know the date either. It’s Sunday. Now pay up,” Wiesel retorted, gesturing to the cash box.

“Right. It’s Sunday. Don’t ya think the Lord would want ya to be kind to all of us and spot us some papes?” Race smirked and held up a cigar to his lips, certain that this new angle would work.

Wiesel just laughed. “If I were religious, I’d be at church right now instead of workin’ here right now. So either pay for your papes and get lost, or Morris might make you see the Lord sooner rather than later,” he threatened.

Race, knowing he had lost, silently put his money down for his papers and moved through the line. It looked like he was going to need a new tactic for his next try.

While some of the other newsies were making similar attempts with the same lack of success, Jack was deep in thought, with his mind running on twelve different tracks. His main focus, though, was trying to come up with an idea for his newest cartoon. Pulitzer wanted the new submissions by five in the afternoon so they could be put in the next day’s paper. Right now, Jack had absolutely nothing.

Something else was on his mind as well. With all the work he was doing and Katherine’s promotion, he had hardly seen her. He was going to change that tonight. Jack planned on taking Katherine out for some quality time together.

Davey was behind him in line, and when he tapped Jack on the shoulder, it snapped the newsie out of his thoughts. “Whaddya want?” Jack asked as he turned his head to look at his friend.

“I have a question,” the taller boy stated in response. But, he didn’t immediately say more, leaving the two of them briefly in silence.

“Well, what is it?” Jack prompted, rolling his eyes as they moved up in line.

Davey shifted a little bit in his place. “How do you get a girl to like you?”

Jack couldn’t help laughing. He didn’t see that question coming, that was for sure. “Ya really want my advice?” he asked when he could manage to speak.

“Well, if you’re gonna laugh at me like that, maybe not,” Davey replied, which immediately shut Jack up.

“Right, sorry,” Jack apologized as they both moved up in line, though a smirk was still playing on his lips. “Okay, who’s the lucky lady, then?” When Davey started to stutter a bit, he shrugged. “Ya don’t have to tell me, Dave, if ya don’t wanna.”

They moved up again as Davey admitted, “It’s fine. I just, I’ve been spending some time with Rebecca, and-”

He didn’t need to hear any more. Jack cut him off and said, “I get it. So it’s Becky. Lemme think.”

When they reached the front of the line half a minute later, Jack was still thinking. His thoughts were a mixture of answers to Davey’s request, cartoon ideas, and outing plans. But, none of that meant that Wiesel was going to take it easy on him. “What, no wisecracks? Pick up your papes, Kelly, or get outta line.”

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