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Chapter 3

Lights, Camera, Action!


"Anddddd.... ACTION!!"


Scene 1/Take 1

[Ariana's POV]

"Anddddd.... ACTION!!"

I was seated at my chair in our usual classroom set next to Jade aka Liz. I was wearing a pink and white dress with white converse. Simple but cute.

"Ok students. Today we will be having new people joining." Sikowitz announced. Murmurs of who skittered across the classroom.

"What people? There's gonna be more than one stupid new kid who is always asking for directions!"Jade exclaimed. I tryed not to laugh on Liz trying to act scary. She is my best friend.

"Yes Jade there is. Actually there's 5." Sikowitz stated.

"When are they coming?"Tori asked. Just then the boys opened the door.

"Right now." Sikowitz answered smiling like a freaker {don't know of that's a word:)}

"Umm hi. Are you Sickowits?" Liam read on a piece of paper telling them there school schedule. FYI it was really their lines so they wouldn't forget them.

"Is it that hard a name!!" Sikowitz yelled at the wall. Tori them stood up and shook hands with them.

"Hi I'm Tori Vega and oh my god your One Direction!" She shrieked.

"Cut!!! Guys that was beautiful!"


Scene 2/Take 1

Ariana's POV

"Anddddd.... ACTION"

Tori, Jade, Beck, Andre, and me were sitting outside at our usual lunch table.

"So what do you guys think out One Direction so far?" Tori asked.

"Eh, their ok for a boy band." Andre shrugged.

"They talk so weird. Do you think there sick." I stupidly asked.

"No Cat. There British. From England." Tori answered back.

"Do you think they brought bibble!?" I yelped. Just then the boys walked over.

"Mind if we sit here love?" Liam asked so sweeting. He wasn't acting, I talked to him once but he is such a sweetheart!

"Do you have bibble!!??" I asked excited. They gave me a weird look. Louis looked like he wanted to burst out laughing.

"What she means is yea sure." Andre clarified. They all sat down. It went me, Louis, Harry, Tori, Andre, Liam, Beck, Jade, Zayn, and Niall.

"Why don't we get to know each other better?" Niall suggested. Murmurs of ok spread.

"I'll go first. My name is Tori. I like to sing and hang with my friends." Tori stated.

"My name is Jade and I like scissors, watching children get hurt, blood, and scary movies." Jade said without blinking, which freaked out the boys.

"She scares me." Harry whispered to Louis who nodded in agreement.

"Me next!! Hi I'm Cat like the animal!! I like unicorns, purple giraffes, and singing. But you know what I scares me." I ranted.

"Oh god here we go." Beck shook his head.

"Clouds scare me. They are always making weird and mean faces to me because they know I can't get them cause there so high up. Cause like just the other day I saw this one cloud who looked just like this other cloud that was mean to me the week before. Wait, do you think it was the same cloud? Oh my god I think I just freaked myself out. Yes I did!! I freaked myself out!!" I started hyperventilating.

"Hey Cat." Jade said sweetly.


"Shut up!!" She yelled.

"Ok well I'm Beck, Jade's boyfriend. I like acting and hanging with my friends." Beck calmly answered.

"And I'm Andre. Same as Beck I like acting and hanging with these guys." Andre said.

"AND CUT!! Guys thanks a lot. We will continue on Monday. Have a great weekend!!!"

Authors Note:

Thank you so much for all the votes and reads!!! I love you all so much. This chapter was deticated to my friend @LoveLouisTomlinson71

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