Cry Me a River

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Chapter 6

Cry Me A River


"Yeah it's coming from Studio 4." Liam pointed to the door that said 4. We walked in only to see the one person I didn't want to see. Ariana Grande.


[Louis' POV]

Gosh her voice was beautiful. She sang without a flaw in the world. What made my jaw drop was when she did a whistle note.

Why can't she be mine? Why did Eleanor never leave my mind?

Just then Ariana walked out of the booth.

"What did you think?" She looked hopefully at us.

"You were absolutely amazing Ariana!" Harry hugged her.

"Awe thanks." She giggled and blushed.

"Hey Ariana, would you like to come back to the hotel with us? We were gonna order pizza." Liam suggested.

"I don't know Liam. I don't wanna barge in..."

"Your not barging in! Come on it'll be fun!" Zayn interrupted. Ariana sighed.

"Ok. Let me go back to my hotel and shower." She smiled and walked out of the studio.

"Are you guys serious! I can't stand being by her!" I screamed. Niall flinched and Liam and Harry looked mad.

"Louis don't even start! She doesn't deserve that kind of disrespect!" Harry growled at me.

"You don't even know her Harry so don't start with me." I yelled back.

"Actually instead of being an asshole like you I went out to lunch with her today!" He fired back. This got me mad.

"Well you know what! You can have her! I don't like her! I can't like her! She is to much like Eleanor and I can't stand that!" I screamed my head off.

Harry was about to tell something back but we heard a small cry behind us. I looked over Harry's shoulder and saw Ariana standing there. She looked like she was about to cry.

"I f-forgot my p-phone." She ran and grabbed her phone and sprinted out.

[Ariana's POV]

I ran out of the room as fast as I could. I had forgotten my phone back in the studio and went back to get it. As I was about to walk in I heard yelling. It was Louis and Harry.

Louis' words kept floating through my mind,

Well you know what! You can have her! I don't like her! I can't like her! She is to much like Eleanor and I can't stand that!

He can't stand me. Who was Eleanor though? She must have been a really bad person. He hates me. And to think I liked him. I tried so hard to be friends with him for nothing.

I walked into my house and went to take a shower. After taking a shower I stood by my closet in a towel thinking of what I should do. I ran over to my phone and dialed a familiar number.

The phone rang a couple times till someone answered.

'Hello?' a deep voice said.

'Hey Harry.' I said calmly.

'Ariana!?' He sounded shocked to her my voice.

'Yep it's me. I was wondering if I can still come over.' I blurted out. To be honest I really did wanna hang out with the boys.

'Of course you can come!' He yelled. I giggled at how excited he was.

'Thanks so much. I'll be over in 30 minutes.' We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I walked over to my closet and wondered what to wear.

"Well I'm going to be just hanging out not going to a red carpet so I'm gonna stick with sweat pants." I said out loud. In the end I chose a pair of grey swear pants with American Eagle written in pink on the side. I also had on a grey t-shirt that came up to my belly button and said American Girl on it.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my zip up sweatshirt and my keys.

~10 minutes later~

I got to the boys hotel and knocked on the room door. I heard a crashing sound and yelling. It made me laugh at the thought of what was going on. Suddenly the door was yanked open.

"Ariana! I'm so glad your here!" Niall yelled and pulled me into a hug. God that boy can hug. I laughed and we walking into the room. Zayn was on the couch playing COD with Liam, Harry was on his phone and Louis was no where to be seen. Niall coughed and Liam looked up and at me. He smiled and got up and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry for what Louis said. He truly didn't mean it." Liam whispered into my ear. I nodded.

"Hey Ariana. The pizza should be here in an hour." Zayn shouted from the couch.

"Hey, while we wait do you wanna play Q&A?" Harry suggested. We all got into a circle and Niall went first.

"Ok Ariana. Do you have any nicknames?" Niall asked. I thought for a minute.

"Yeah it's Ari." I nodded.

"Umm Harry do you have any siblings?" I asked him.

"Yep an older sister, Gemma." He answered.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Harry questioned.

"I just got over a break-up with my boyfriend Jai Brooks." I looked at my hands in my lap.

After a couple more question the door rang and it was the pizza guy. We ate out pizza and suddenly my phone buzzed. It had a new text from an unknown number.

Meet me in the lobby in 10 minutes.


Hmm what if it's a crazy killer? Oh well I mean there is other people there so it won't hurt.

In 5 minutes I said my goodbyes to the boys and said I'll see them tomorrow. I walked to the elevator and rode it down to the lobby. As I got there I looked around for the mystery texter. My eyes landed on the one person I wouldn't expect.

Louis Tomlinson.

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