The Phone Call and The Reconnection

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Chapter 12

The Phone Call and The Reconnection



"Bye guys I had so much fun!" I shut the car door and walked up my driveway. I pulled up my hood due to the rain the had began to fall hard. Through the mist I realized a figure sitting on my front door step.

As I got closer to the figure they looked familiar.

"Ariana." The figure stood up.

"What are you doing here?"


[Ariana's POV]

"What are you doing here." Tears began to weld up in my eyes.

"We need to talk."

I shook my head, "What's there to talk about?" I whispered.

"Ari I miss you. The lads miss you."

"You guys ruined everything." Pieces began coming together. They were the reason my life fell apart.


"No! Before you all came onto Victorious my life was fine! Now I lost my best friend, half of my fans hate me and I've been miserable!" My voice cracked at the end.

"I'm sorry."

"Huh?" I was taken back.

"I'm sorry. Everyone of us screwed up your life and we had no right to."

I ran up and hugged them.

"I'm not going to tell you everything will be ok because I'm not sure but I can promise you things will get better."

"Thank you." It finally came to me that I just needed someone to say those words.

🎶I've got my eyes on you, your everything that I see🎶 my phone rang.

"Who's that?" I looked down at the screen and smiled at the caller ID.

"Just a friend."

I hit accept. "Hey."

"Well good evening Miss. Grande." I giggled.

"Hi Cameron."

"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me tomorrow night." His voice soften. I found it cute how shy he got.

"Hmmm welll...." I messed with him. I heard his breathing stop.

"You know what I was dumb for asking. Haha sorry for-"

"Cameron! I'd love to go on a date with you."

"Great!! Pick you up tomorrow at 6!" Then he hung up.

"Just a friend ey?"


"Where did you meet him?"

"Is it any of your business?" I glared.

"Sorry." We stood there is awkward silence.

"I should go. The boys are probably waiting for me."

"Yeah I should go shower." We looked at each other.

"I'll see you soon right?"

I smiled, "Yeah."



I gave them a hug goodbye.

"Bye Ari."

"Bye Harry."

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