Movie Time

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Chapter 11

Movie Time


[Ariana's POV]

I walked into the movie theater a little nervous. I always got a little nervous with meeting new people but this is like I'm going to pee my pants.

Being the big I am I didn't turn back and texted Halie. Almost instantly I got a reply back.

Halie the potato: Hey!!

Ariana Grande xoxo: Hi(: where are you?

Halie the potato: I'm over by the popcorn stand.

Ariana Grande xoxo: Kk:D C you soon;)

Halie the potato: C ya soon;)

Turning my phone off, I walked over to the popcorn stand. It only took a minute to spot Halie. Next to her were three other girls.

"Hey." I shyly waved.

"I'm so glad you made it!",Halie gave me a hug, "Ariana I want you to meet my cousin Sam, and my best friends' Heather and ." She pointed at the two girls standing next to her.

"Hi I'm Marie." Heather shook my hand.

Heather was about as tall as me. She had light brown hair that a little wavy at the ends. She was wearing a white t-shirt with an orange sweater,ripped skinny jeans and red Vans.

"Hey I'm Sam." Halie's cousin shook my hand.

Sam was much taller than me. She had long blonde hair that was pin straight. She was wearing a neon green Mt. Dew shirt, dark wash skinny jeans and orange Converse.

"Come on the movies about to start." Heather started off to the theater with us following.

We walked into the theater and sat in our seats.

"So did you read the book?" Sam turned to ask me.

"Yea I read the whole series." I replayed laughing.

"Hey me too!" She laughed along with me.

"Will you to potatoes shut up and listen to the movie and not gossip about the book?" Halie glared at us but started laughing.

"Shhh!" An old lady turned around in her seat and yelled at us.

"Sorry." Heather apologized.


Tris ran to the chasm to see Al being lifted up, he was dead.

"Oh my god." She said with tears in her eyes. She kept thinking how this was all her fault. If only she had forgiven him for what he had done. Tears rolled down her face as she stared at Al's cold dead body. She thought about first day they met and when....

"HAHAHA" A voice beside me was laughing. I looked over and saw Jill and Halie hunched over crying and laughing.

"What are to guys doing?" I whispered.

"Look!" Jill pointed to a girl in the row infront of us. She was in the fatal position crying with a box of tissues. It was a funny sight.

"Haha." I laughed.

"Can you three be anymore rude?" The old lady turned to us and sneered.

Halie snapped her fingers in a Z formation, "Excuse me do you know me? Oh right ya don't."

"Halie!" Heather lightly slapped her arm.

"Haha nice one." A male voice behind us laughed. The girls and I whipped our heads around to face the boy. When I turned 3 extremely attractive boys sat infront of me. One looking very familiar.

"What did you say?" Halie asked the one blonde boy.

"I said nice comeback. Your funny." He winked at her making Halie blush.


"I'm Matt and this is Nash and Cameron." He motioned to the two other boys. When he pointed to the Cameron one my heart stopped. Was it really him.

"I'm Halie and this is my cousin Sam and my best friends Jill, Heather, and Ariana."

"And I would like if you all shut up." The old lady yelled.

"Shhhhh!!" We all said at the same time.

Turning back around in our seats u couldn't help but glance back once more at Cameron.


"That movie was totally worth $10!" Sam yelled once we got out of the theater.

"Yes totally." I smiled.

"Hey Ariana!" A voice behind me yelled. I turned to see Cameron running to catch up with me.

"Hi." I walked closer to meet him.

"We meet again." He smirked.

"That we do."

"Maybe it's destiny."

"Maybe. So what are you implying?"

"Well we wouldn't want to waste destiny now would we?" He gave me a cute smile.

"No of course we wouldn't."

"How about I get your number and you accompany me on a date? Just to make destiny and a certain boy happy." I laughed at his cuteness.

I gave him my number and a kiss on the cheek.

"See you soon." I waved and walked back over to the girls.

"Damn girl." Jill said. We laughed and got into the car.


"Bye guys I had so much fun!" I shut the car door and walked up my driveway. I pulled up my hood due to the rain the had began to fall hard. Through the mist I realized a figure sitting on my front door step.

As I got closer to the figure they looked familiar.

"Ariana." The figure stood up.

"What are you doing here?"

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