Part 7

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Fyke walked along the deck of the Waverunner, making sure the crew were doing their jobs and offering assistance when needed. Dunkirk had the crew working like a well oiled miller's wheel, making everyone's job easier. He spotted David Tanner at the jib, staring off into the horizon, as he usually was. He decided to pay the young Yeoman a visit.

"Evening, David."

Tanner jumped a bit, startled. "Oh, hi Corwyn. Sorry, I didn't hear you sneak up on me."

"Seen anything today?"

"Just a guild ship, The Inferno, that was about to cross our path. It spotted our colors, reefed its sails and dropped anchor until we had passed."

Corwyn smiled. "Ah, if only they did that all the time for us."

"I doubt they do that for their own members."

"The Inferno, isn't that Ferndock's ship?" Corwyn asked.

David nodded. "That man is insane. Had we not been carrying the gold for the bank, he probably would have attacked. Hell, I'm surprised he didn't anyway against Gaeceric's orders."

"Gaeceric would have strung him up by the balls using garrote wire."

"I suppose," David said. "But I'll bet it still chapped his ass to be forced to let us go."

A couple of dolphins jumped playfully in front of the ship's keel, alternating which one was in the water and which one was airborne.

Fyke laughed. "Hey Davey, check out those two fish!"

"Dolphins aren't fish, Corwyn. They are mammals. See that hole on the top of their head? They breathe through it. They don't lay eggs like other fish; the mother gives birth directly to her calves. They also drink their mother's milk."

"Oh, come on, Tanner. How could you know that?"

David shifted uncomfortably. "I told you, my father had me educated."

"So if they are mammals, can they be trained like dogs?"

The young Yeoman shrugged. "I don't see why not."

Corwyn grinned. "Maybe after I retire, I'll see about setting myself up as a dolphin trainer. People would pay a few silver to see a trained dolphin jump through hoops and such, wouldn't they?"

David considered it for a few second. "I suppose they would! Although the care of the dolphins would be fairly tedious. Plus you would have to have a number of them trained. If one were to die or get sick, it would be important to keep the show going." David looked over at Fyke. "Why, is it something you are seriously considering?"

"Nah. Not any time in the near future. My place is here, at sea, beside Captain Karinga."

David returned his gaze to the horizon. "Still, it might be something to consider if the captain ever retired."

Corwyn chuckled and slapped David on the back. His duty time was almost up, and he was going to get some grog. He never walked away from David Tanner without learning something new.


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