Part 12

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"Get the bloody buckets up 'ere, ye bloody stupid Jack-tars! We can't be let'n the fires catch on the bloody deck!" Black Jack Mulligan stormed around the deck of the burning Griffon, shouting orders and trying to reign in the Chaos.

"Captain, the sails are a total loss," Yates reported. "I recommend we deploy the life boats and abandon ship!"

A punch met the first mate's stomach. "Damnit, Yates! We won't be leavin' the Griffon here ta burn! We put out the damn fires, take the lifeboats over n' capture that damn ship, then we find out which one of those bastards is the damn pyromancer an' hang 'im up by his entrails!"

Mr. Yates tried to compose himself, in spite of the dull pain in his gut. "Sir, do you have a plan to get us back to the Cove?"

"Aye! We'll put thirty men on the Waverunner and tow the Griffon! Now ye get over to the port side an' tell them bastards they are goin' to row towards the Waverunner, an' if one of those bloody scallywags turns towards shore, I'll make them eat their own bloody lips!"

"Aye aye, Captain!" The first mate ran over to the port side of the ship.

Mulligan went starboard towards a group of twenty men preparing a lifeboat, drawing his saber. "Oy, ye got grapples in that boat?"

The crew stared at him with disbelief. "Captain, they have a pyromancer!" a crewman said.

Mulligan sliced him across the mid-section, spilling his intestines over the deck.

The men looked at their fallen comrade with disbelief as he expired. It wasn't the first time Mulligan had killed one of his own men, but that didn't make it easy to watch.

"Hang on, lads, I'll go get the grapples, then we take that bloody ship!" one of the crew said.

"What's yer name, lad?" Mulligan asked the stocky black haired young man.

"Fletcher, sir!"

"Mr. Fletcher, ye be in charge of this attack. Carry it out, an ye'll be getting' a double share of the prize."

"Aye sir!" Fletcher replied. "Miller, find someone to replace that lump of turds," he said, pointing to their dead companion.

Mulligan nodded with approval. After the Waverunner was theirs, they would use the gold, if it even existed, to restore the Griffon, and then they would rain unholy Hell down on the guild for sending them to be executed at the hands of a pyromancer.


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