Part 15

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The officers sat around the table in the Waverunner's officer's mess, picking at the remains of their evening dried fish and crumbs, yet another one of Doc's many faces of hardtack.

"After that sound thumping we gave Mulligan, I don't think we have to worry about any more pirate attacks for a while," Captain Karinga said, taking a sip of grog.

Corwyn picked through his meals as some answers eluded his reasoning.

"What is it, Corwyn?" David asked.

"Well, if Mulligan wasn't afraid of the bank, where does he keep his gold? I mean, I know he probably has some in his hideout, but he wouldn't leave it all there in case it was raided, right?"

"Most likely," David replied. "This is why a lot of pirates bury their gold."

"But how do they remember where they buried it?" Fyke asked.

"They usually draw a pretty detailed map of the location," Karinga said.

"Ah." Fyke continued to eat, his question being answered.

The captain cleared his throat. "So, after we put in at Port Cauldwell, what do you say we take some time and relax? After that battle, I think we can afford a week or so of shore leave for the men. David, any idea on what we are going to do afterwards?"

"Hm. I'll ask around. Hey Corwyn, after they unload the gold, will you come with me to the Royal Bank?"

"Sure, Davy," Fyke replied. He thought back to their visit to the bank in River's End. Suddenly, he remembered something! What was the parchment that the advisor fellow had given him? He reached into his inside pocket and pulled it out.

"What you got there, Cor?" Quenton asked.

"I don't know. Someone gave it to me at the bank." He moved the empty serving plate from the center of the table and rolled the parchment out. On it was a picture of an island, some markings of natural landmarks and such, and an 'X' on the southeastern side of the island. At the bottom was written "BJM"

David grinned. "Gentlemen, I think Corwyn has provided us with our next job. And from the looks of this treasure map, I think we are going to get to stick it to Black Jack Mulligan yet again.

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