Build Up

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I've been shook so many times

All this energy building up

I have nothing to do with it

But then I see someone walk by

Someone I've known for so long

Someone who I've liked just as long

But he doesn't like me

I can see it in his pretty eyes

But as long as I've known him he hasn't been in a relationship

And we have never really had long conversations

He doesn't know me much

But I know about him

I watch him constantly

I forget all my problems

Everything I worry about

The second I see him walk by

All my pain gone in an instant

Butterflies in my stomach

He's going to a party tonight

I guess I'm going too now

I want to tell him

To let some of this fizzy gas out

So I won't cause a big explosion

If I let some of my energy out

I don't want to hurt anybody

No matter how much they hurt me

No matter how much they shook me

I don't want to be the monster they are building

Teasing me

Pushing me to my limits

So I'll be the monster they say I am

Prove them right

But they are feeding me with pain and lies

Because they are creating this monster

This monster that I am turning into

No matter how hard I try

I don't think I'll be able to resist

I'll turn into the monster they are building me into


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