Opened Up

19 6 0

I'm home alone
Nothing to live for
I know better than to commit suicide 
Suiciders go to hell
That's what I've heard
Life is God's gift
Not every gift we like
But we never want to hurt the giver's feelings
After all it's the thought that counts

I hear something smash
I might not hear well
It could be another brain trick
I hear the sound again and again
I have no fear since I don't exist

I look out the window
There are kids outside
They don't see me but I see them 
My house has been pelted with eggs
While I was inside
This is the final straw
I can't take anymore of it
I've been shook to many times

I go outside
The kids don't runaway
They probably don't see me
Like everyone else

I take a deep breath
I let my thoughts, opinions and feeling to my lips
I have to try to get it out
I push hard
It is tough to get it out

I hear someone yell
It scares me
It doesn't sound nice
The kids are all looking at me
It's like they can see me
I realize it's my voice
It's all coming out
My thoughts, opinions and feelings
All pouring out
Now that it's coming out
I feel good
It's a constant flow

I feel like a bottle of pop that has been shook too much
Now that the bottle's opened it is raining
Letting it all out

The kids say sorry
That's a first in a while
No one has ever said sorry to me in a long time
I haven't been noticed
Taken seriously
The kids are scared and leaving
I didn't mean any harm

I have finally found my voice
I've been heard
It feels good
Word will spread
Though most might not know me


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