Shook Up

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I'm at the party

I see him

But he doesn't see me

As always I'm invisible

Like I don't exist

A girl pushes past me

My drink spilling onto my foot

She doesn't even turn to say sorry

She's just like the others

The ones who shake me

Create this monster that I'm turning into

A guy steps onto my foot

Doesn't even notice

I'm starting to wonder if I am some kind of ghost

They hurt me and don't know

If they do they don't care

Because I'm a nobody to some

A monster to others

I'm starting to wonder if I even exist at this point

It doesn't seem like I do

Maybe he will see me

Somehow someday

I guess it's worth a shot

See if he knows I exist

I see him

He's alone

Maybe I should tell him

If he doesn't care

My heart will shatter

He's the one that keeps me going

I have nothing left

He sees me

He's walking towards me

Maybe he knows me

He waves at me

I wave back

He sees me

I have to tell him

Hey there I say

I love you

I had to tell you

He's looking at me weird

Now he's not

He's looking at something behind me

He just brushes past me

I turn around and see

He goes up to a girl

She's way prettier than me

He kisses her

She's in just as much shock as me

I told him those three words tonight

I guess I thought that if I told him he'd love me

I wouldn't be invisible

At least one person sees me

But he gave me a weird look

I guess he doesn't love me

Now I'm screaming in a room full of people

But nobody can hear me

The words have left my lips

But I feel like it's in my head

If they really left it would turn quiet

If they were as loud as I thought

It's all in my head

My brain is tricking me

I'm going home

There is nothing left for me

I feel if one more thing happens

I'll explode

I've been shook up too much

I don't think I can take much more

And never again will I say those three words I said tonight in my life

They cause trouble and hurt

I cannot bear much more


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