Bottled Up

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My thoughts, opinions and feelings

Always stay in my head

The words touch my lips

But they never leave my mouth

I keep my words in there

Since it's for the best

I never let them leave my body

Because if they did everything would shatter

Everything I had worked so hard to build

My world would come crashing down

Like an earthquake had happened

Pieces falling all over me

My words are a powerful weapon

I know if I drop a nuclear bomb on someone

The effects would also hit me

People always say their thoughts, opinions and feelings

They don't know how powerful their words are

Each sentence a kick to the stomach

A blow to my head

It hurts a lot

No matter how hard I try

I can't push these words out further

The furthest they've been is on my lips

I just have to try to get them out

They could take away the pain

But maybe it's best if they stay inside me

Like the gas in a bottle of pop

It's all in there

Waiting to be opened and explode

After being shook so many times

Maybe when the time is right I'll explode


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