30. You Are Horrible

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I think I might puke.

My heartbeat thumps so loudly in my ear that I think it might burst my eardrums. Adrenaline rushes through my veins, speeding up my heart rate, and increasing my focus. It's like the world has stopped, and I'm in some sort of state of shock.

"What did you just say?" I manage to say after struggling to find words in my brain.

"Caleb!" She says, her tears turning into the happiest tears that I've ever witnessed. Her smile is spread so far across her face that it might actually reach her ears. "I remember! Everything! You, Henry, the accident. I can remember it! I don't know how, but it's like something just clicked."

She reaches out to me, wrapping her thin arms around my body, laying her head on my chest. Her hair smells like the sweet scent of flowers, the same smell that has slowly been fading from her old bedroom after all this time away.

"You've been away for so long..." I whisper to her, a warm tear of my own now falling down my cheek.

"I know, I know," She says, lifting her head from my chest to look me in the eyes. "And it's the weirdest feeling, you know? I can remember all this stuff now, and I feel like an idiot not having been able to remember like 30 seconds ago. It's inexplicable, really. It's like waking up from a hyper-realistic dream where everything seems like it's real, but you know there's something missing, and as soon as you wake up you can finally get a grip on what's really happening."


I scoot away from him, now sitting opposite him in the elevator, our legs intertwined in the space between us.

"So you remember everything?" He asks me, his green eyes calm and comforting. I nod my head. "Okay, so you remember, then, what in the bloody hell you were doing drinking so much."

I blush, feeling the blood rush to my face as I recall sitting in my living room surrounded by smoke and my own sorrow. "I mean...it's kinda blurry and hazy, but yeah, I guess I do remember it."

"Care to...inform me?" He asks, crossing his arms, but I can tell from the look in his eyes that he isn't really angry. He's just put on his 'tough guy' look to try to intimidate me into telling him something.

"No, not really," I say, a playful smirk on my lips.

"No?" he asks, raising one of his eyebrows at me.


Before I can even react, he's lunging towards me, his hand stretched out in front of him. I tense up, knowing that he's going for my stomach where he knows that I'm most ticklish.

"Oh hell no!" I yell, trying to escape his reach, but in this small space, that's pretty much impossible. His hand collides with my abdomen, sending me squirming around beneath his grasp in a desperate attempt to get away. My arms try shoving away his, but from the laughter, I'm weakened, and he's much stronger than me just in general anyways.

"Oh hell yes! Now tell me why!" He exclaims, having no mercy for my poor self.

"Never!" I say, gathering all my strength and throwing a punch at his gut...but I, unfortunately, aim a little bit too low and in my squirming state it throws my hand even farther off course. He curls up in pain in the middle of the elevator floor and I can't help but laugh at the pain that I've just caused.

"You are horrible, Enny!"

"This is the result of your own horribleness," I reply to him, clutching my stomach from the pain that I'm getting from laughing so hard. I can't breathe, seeing him in a pile on the floor.

Suddenly, the elevator lurches upwards, my knees buckling from the sudden movement, sending me crashing to the floor. I hit my head on the side of the wall, the impact going all the way to my butt, which might I mention, has also harshly collided with the floor of the elevator. "Fuck," I mutter on my way down.

Caleb pushes himself onto his feet, offering out a hand to me to pull me up to my feet. I take it, suspecting that he'll drop me down halfway up, but instead he actually helps me. What a gentleman.

"Guess they got it working, huh," He says, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He looks over to me. "You still haven't told me. But I won't pressure you to tell me. That's not very kind of me to try to force you to tell me something you feel uncomfortable with."

I almost swoon.

The doors to the elevator open, revealing the 27th floor's hallway. A hallway that I'm too familiar with. A hallway that I haven't called my own in such a long time. Caleb steps out of the elevator, but I stay standing, not sure why I'm here anyways.

"Not coming?" Caleb asks me, and I shake my head. "When can we get together again?"

"Soon," I tell him, a small smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. He nods his head, starting to shift his weight as if he's about to walk away.

"Oh, and Caleb?" I begin, looking up into his eyes as the doors of the elevator start slowly closing. He looks at me expectantly, his eyebrows slightly raised. "I think you know exactly what I was thinking that day."


wow guys, This took me like a week to write and it's still so short. Bruh, writer's block hit me hard.

hope you enjoyed it even though it's quite short :))

Peace out,

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