Chapter 4 - The Priestess

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"Savos!" Girduin, one of the new Novices shouted as Savos opened his eyes,

"Only Donjar still asleep then" Atmah said, pulling Savos up,

"3 months, that is impressive, I woke up after 4 days" Elvali said,

"3 months?!" Savos asked with worry, picking pits of dust of his robes,

"Yes, and your friend Donjar over there is still asleep!" Atmah said,

"Donjar!" Savos said, running over to Donjar's still body, "I need to take him to the temple of Kynareth! Herbane told me that I must take him to Whiterun!" Savos said,

"Whiterun? Look, all of the master mages have gone to take care of Herbane personally and Deneth left me in charge, and I say no" Atmah said, Savos knew not to argue, so instead he walked back to the apprentice's quarters to formalise a plan.

Savos would go to the Donjar's room and pick up hid body, then he would sneak out, past the sleeping Atmah as she guarded the bridge and simply run across, taking 50 gold to Whiterun on a carriage where he would load his body. Then he would take Donjar to the temple of Kynareth in Whiterun. And so that is what he did. He sneaked over to Donjar and lifted his body on to his shoulder. He then sneaked and used one of Tolfdir's Scroll of Paralyze on Atmah, he then sneaked past and ran down to Winterhold where the buildings lit up in a bright glow and warmth covered the city. Savos spent 20 minutes walking from one side of the great city to the next so he was greatful to find Reggar and his carriage.

"I'd like to hire your carriage, Whiterun please" Savos said,

"And the body? I will report you to the guards, how do I know you are not a wanted man, is he dead?" Reggar said, a look of undoubted worry in his eyes.

"No, he is not dead, I need to take him to the Temple of Kynareth to get him healed after a bad mission to an ancient Nordic ruin!" Savos replied putting Donjar on the back of the cart.

"You are one of the mages that went to Jorgencrost?! Hop in the back, Ill take you for free!" Reggar said, and so Savos did.

They arrived in Whiterun in the middle of the next day, so everyone was staring at Savos as he carried Donjar on his shoulder slowly up the hill.

"Ill help you with that" a strange man said, walking over to Savos, he wore a set of large grey armour with no helmet and had a steel sword on his hip,

"Who are you?" Savos replied,

"Hemlin Battle-Born, here, Ill help" Hemlin said, taking Donjar of his shoulder. Savos felt what seemed like the weight  of the world come of his shoulders as Hemlin took the 70 kilogram body off of him.

"I need to take him to the temple of Kynareth, he needs healing" Savos said, panting,

"Okay, that is up in the cloud district, near the entrance to Dragonsreach, follow me" Hemlin said, almost effortlessly carrying Donjar up some stairs. Whiterun was a beautiful city with trees flowers and not too many buildings. In the middle of the city was a huge tree with bright purple flowers and bright purple leaves.

"Here is the Temple, Ill hand him over to you now, good luck!" Hemlin said, passing Donjar off his armour and onto Savos' shoulder.

"Thanks" Savos said and he walked into the temple. The Temple of Kynareth was a small, very bright building with many flowers and beds surrounding a small water inlet taking in the sun from outside.

"What can I help you with?" a priestess said, walking over to Savos.

"My friend Donjar was poisoned and is in a state of unconsciousness, I need your help" Savos replied,

"Very well, lay him down on the stone bed over there" the priestess said, pointing towards a stone bed near the water pond. Savos put him down and leaned against a wall. The priestess bent over and rubbed salt into Donjar's skin. She then used a healing spell on Donjar before sprinkling some blue petals into his mouth and then some water to wash the petals down.

"He should be here for a few days, maybe 3, 3 at the most. Ill call you back via Courier when he wakes, he should be fine" she said, Savos nodded,

"Thank you" Savos said, walking out. Savos believed Donjar was in safe hands.

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