Chapter 10 - Reggarn Rule

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The Reggarn Rule, a spell Savos had bought from an illegal trader while a child in Solstheim. He knew the spell, though he had told nobody he had it as it was a highly illegal spell. Reggarn Rule, when casted on a recipient extracts the boy form of the testificate and makes the soul form a powerful shield which can be used to hold something in place, and the person who casted this spell had full control over the Enthralled Wizards.

"You are muttering Savos" Hafnar said, sweat dripping down his face. Savos held his breath and casted the spell on Atmah and Hafnar. Their skin and physical properties burnt up like the waves bashing at the houses of Winterhold until their sould life form was left.

"Stand, one each on the podiums and hold Morokei at bay!" Savos said, and the souls ran up some stairs to two look out points where they both casted the spell on Morokei.

Suddenly, just as the situation seemed under control, a strange figure ran into view.

"Savos Aren, I know you are here!" the strange mage said. Who ever it was wore blue robes and some boots, much like the other mages in Skyrim. Savos stood up and came out of hiding,

"Who are you?" Savos said,

"I am Paratus Decimius! I am here for the staff, but, I guess you have beaten me to it!" Paratus replied,

"Paratus! Go, I warn you! I enthralled my friends, I will do the same to you!" Savos replied in fear every word a drop of regret.

"Cheeky now? Well, let's see!" Paratus said, putting two fire spells in his hands. Savos used telekinesis and threw objects at Paratus until the Cyrodilian ran.

"Ill see you in Sovngarde!" Savos said, panting as Paratus ran back through the stone doors.

"Ill see you in Mz.." Paratus shouted, but Savos never heard anything.

Savos ran past the stone overlooks with Atmah and Hafnar and past Morokei towards the exit which was up another set of stairs and in through a door, back out to Skyrim.

Returning to Winterhold was painful. Hundreds of citizens walked from the city, having lost their homes. The Jarl was fine, and one main street with the college at the end was fine, but the rest was either not there at all of in rubbles. Gaurds were pulling down the remainders of the great wall and the snow was pounding on those who chose to stay, including lone Savos, the only survivor of Labyrinthian.

The college was okay though, Archmage Deneth was waiting at the gate for the return of the mages.

"Savos! Where is everyone else?" Deneth said, stroking his long white beard,

"The others, um, I was the only one to make it out alive" Savos said, his eyes welling with the beginning of a tear.

"I don't believe it! Are you serious?" Deneth said, putting his hands together,

"Yes, they are all gone, except for me, but Paratus Decimius is gone, and he has not and will not be getting the Staff of Magnus" Savos said. Deneth bent down on his knees and Tolfdir came running up from behind and patted Deneth on the back,

"What happened?" Tolfdir said, his young brown beard blowing in the wind,

"Deneth is just in shock, I am the only survivor of the Labyrinthian mission" Savos said, in a state of shock himself.

"Father?" Tolfdir said, picking Deneth up and putting him on his shoulder. Tolfdir ran and Savos ran after him. Tolfdir ran Deneth back into the hall of attainment where Heriles came running up,

"I have these clothes of shock resistence" Heriles said, and Tolfdir wrapped them around Deneth.

"Please father!" Tolfdir said, but after 30 minutes by the blue light, Deneth was declared dead.

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