Bath time

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she lifted me from the ground as I heard a tap running she placed me in the tub and I whimpered. She gently rubbed a brush against my fur and bubbled appeared. They flew to the roof and popped as they touched any substances. a big bubble arose, I pounced on at it and bit it. Lilac laughed as she scrubbed my paw and back returning my fur to its white color. one we were finished she took me out of the tub and dried me. she giggled

"Tucker- your so um- fluffy" she bursted out laughing again as she said fluffy. Grr.. I grabbed the towel with my mouth and yanked it from her and ran into her room.

"Tucker!" she chased me and almost caught me before I jumped on the bed.

"Oh Tucker no...." she said

oh lilac yes...

I shook my fur side to side and dried it but this time. My way. Now I was super fluffy. she got down on her knees and laughed again

"TUCKER!" she tried to yell at me but her laughing keeping interrupting her. I rolled on her bed making her white bed weat. I leaped off and licked her in the face. she laid on her stomach and covered her face. I rained kisses on her.

And I thought..

What if I was a human? What would change? Would she think of me different? I would be able to do so much with her.... show her my excitement..
She hopped on the bed and laid down. I followed and put my snout on her lap looking up at her.
What can I do-.. To be like her

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2017 ⏰

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