part 2: is this real

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Jeff's pov: I was on my night killing spree and I heard some music  coming from a house near by I decided to check it out. As I got to the place that was playing music I noticed  moving boxes outside on the lawn. So this person just got here huh looks like its time for them to go to sleep. I looked in the window and I saw a girl with (hc) hair. This girl had fallen asleep while listening to music. I go into the window and land on the floor. I triped, the sleeping girl woke up from me falling. I hide in the corner as I heard her say "hello is anyone there." She looked around  the room and then started to stare into the corner I was in. She started to slowly move back on her bed as tears roll from her eyes. I heard her say.       "please don't kill me." I started to  laugh and came out of the corner. Then I stopped at the words I had heard her say. " jeff" I didn't move an inch as I wondered  how she knew me.

  Yourpov: I had woken up from a loud bang in my room. I started to look around the room frantically as I said "hello is anyone there" I look into the corner  as I see a Dark figure. I was scared so I moved to the back of my bed. I bagged for the figure not to kill me . I started hearing a demonic laughs coming from The figure. The figure started to move. I saw it then I realized it was Jeff the Killer. As I did notice I said it ,I said his name then he stopped. He stopped there in his tracks it's like he was confused. My heart started beating a thousand miles a minute. What was he going to do was he going to kill me.

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