Chapter 4

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(Sorens POV)
   As I see her body laying motionless on the ground I run as fast as I could to get to her. When I get over there I immediately fall to my knees. Her body has huge gashes and cuts in it. Her head is bleeding. Her clothes are ripped. I feel tears falling down my face. "No not yet I still love you" I say. I look and see a small rise and fall of her chest. I grab her wrist and check her pulse. Its very slow but (Y/N) is still alive. After that I instantly pick her up and run back to the temple. The first person who sees me is Gabriel. "Soren who i---" he starts to say but then his eyes widen" GET HER INSIDE QUICK" then we both run inside. Ellegaard is putting her jacket on as we run in. "Oh my goodness you found her" Ellegaard screams in horror when she sees (Y/N). She immediately crafts a bed and has Soren set you down on it. Ellegaard begins crafting medical supply's. "Gabriel! Help me set this down". I set (Y/N) down on the bed. Gabriel and Ellegaard start crafting whatever they learned at medical camp. Magnus, (Y/N), and I don't know why they went but I guess it was for situations like this.
After a while they probably have crafted as all the things they could. "Oh let's see what damage the tornado did to her" Ellie wheels over a machine. It looks like it took a picture of (Y/N)' s body. When Ellegaard sees the X-ray her jaw drops. "What! What is it" Magnus runs over and picks up the dropped paper. We all go crowd around Ellie and she shows us what's wrong. "Well for starters she in a coma which we don't know how long it will take for her to come out of itShe has a huge fracture on her femur (your big bone in your leg) also she has a bit of a rip to her diaphragm.(the muscle that helps you breath). Her shoulder is broken on the right side. And her arm is broken on the left. Her voice box is very very. It almost looks like somebody choked her. Then she has an infection in her body. Along with the cuts and scrapes" She finishes. Gabriel walks over to us with a nervous expression on his face " She doesn't have a very good chance of surviving this but right now she's pretty stable" as tears form in my eyes my shoes suddenly become very interesting " so we're pretty optimistic". Magnus and I walk back outside as they start treating (Y/N). "Dang I hope she's alright" says Magnus. "Wow I didn't know you had this side of you Magnus" I say laughing. "Well ya ok just shut up" he says red in the face.

2 weeks in a time skip

(Still Soren's POV)
Town is pretty much cleaned up from the tornado. (Y/N) is still in a coma but her condition is much better! Her survival rate has come up about 20% and Ellie and Gabriel are optimistic she will make it. It's about 1:00 in the morning. We all take turns watching (Y/N) so one of us are here when she wakes up from her coma. As I'm reading my book I hear something move. I look at (Y/N) and she's tying to move. I hold her down "don't move your bones need to heal" I say to myself. But then I see her eyes start to open. My heart flutters with joy! "(Y/N) can you hear me"? I see her (e/c) eyes open. She jolts up. I see tears in her eyes. "Shh shh it's alright lay down and don't move in here" I say. When her eyes focus on me she calms down. She try's to speak but I stop her. "Don't try to talk your voice box needs to rest". Just give me a thumbs up or down when I ask you a question ok". She gives me a thumbs up.

"Are you hungry"? She gives me a thumbs down. "Do you hurt"? She gives me a BIG thumbs up. I laugh. "I bet! That was a stupid question" she rolls her eyes at me. "Are you cold"? She sits there for a second and thinks and finally she puts a thumbs up. "Do you want a blanket" I ask. She gives me a thumbs down and points a finger at me. "You want me to lay with you"? She blushes a dark red and nods. "Ok" I scoot in with her. She hugs my torso and smiles. I hug her back. Eventually she falls asleep. Eventually my eyes fall droopy and I fall asleep. I'm so glad that (Y/N) is ok and awake. 

Guys I am so so so so so so so SORRY I haven't updated this! I was grounded from my phone for a month. So I will try to binge update this week! Love you all baiiii

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