Chapter Five

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Ghost woke up the next morning in bed, by himself. He looked around, wondering how he had ended up here-the last thing he remembered was researching with Toast. He slowly climbed out of bed, heading into their living room where he heard the tv on. He found Toast sitting on the couch, watching the news. Another murder had taken place that night, it seemed.

"You know, you really need to stop going out so late." Toast whispered, Ghost sat next to him and was pulled into his boyfriend's arms. "I don't want anything to happen to you, with this going on." He kissed his forehead, and Ghost looked up at him with a frown.

"I haven't been going out." He replied, and Toast looked back, confused.

"You went out just last night, love. You were gone about an hour, even though you just told me you were getting some fresh air." Toast told him, and Ghost frowned more.

"Are you sure? I can't remember any of that." Ghost sat up a little, trying to remember. Toast sighed and pulled him back into his arms, kissing him.

"Let's not worry about it." He smiled. "You haven't been getting enough rest lately. I'm sure that's all it was." Ghost yawned as he said this, as if to prove his point.

"Well.. it's not getting rest that's been the problem. I've been exhausted even when I just woke up." Ghost said thoughtfully. He had been feeling strange lately.

"I'm sure it's not that big of a deal." Toast smiled assuringly at him. "It could just be this case we're working on, it is pretty stressful."

"Probably." Ghost smiled back, leaning his head against Toast's chest with another small yawn. He felt content, able to be held in his love's arms. Unfortunately, the two had to start working on their case eventually. There was still something out there killing people, there wasn't much time to spend doing nothing.

The two of them worked late into the night again, Toast going over his map again and again, trying to find a pattern, to see if maybe they could predict the killers next location to attack. Ghost was helping look over the victims backgrounds, seeing if any of them might have known each other, or been a part of a group together. Anything that may connect them.

Ghost had taken a moment to sit back and relax, yawning and glancing at the clock. He had to look at it again, making sure his eyes hadn't deceived him. "Johnny, it's one in the morning." He pointed out, looking over at Toast who was staring intently at his map, going over a second piece of paper next to him. He only hummed in acknowledgement.

"Which means we should be getting some rest." He glared, and Toast looked up at him.

"Just give me a few more minutes." He mumbled tiredly, looking back at his work. Ghost watched him for a moment; every time he blinked it seemed he had to fight his own eyelids to stay open again. Ghost gave a small smile, shaking his head at Toast and standing up to take a hold of his arm.

"No, no more minutes. We haven't found anything all day, we can try again tomorrow." He chided. "Trust me, if you don't get enough rest you won't be able to concentrate on anything. You need to be healthy to solve this case, Johnny." He looked at him, smiling gently, and Toast couldn't disagree with him.

"Alright, alright fine." He mumbled, he blinked again, and it took him a few seconds before his eyes were opened. Ghost laughed at him, and led him towards their bedroom, gripping his hand softly. Toast followed along like a zombie, eyes barely opened and nearly knocking into everything, Ghost barely helping him avoid crashing. They finally made it to their room, and Ghost pulled back the covers for Toast to lay down, Toast barely even landing on the bed before he pulled Ghost down with him, both of them falling onto it.

Toast chuckled at the squeak Ghost made as he fell, catching him easily and pulling him back against his chest, kissing the back of his neck sweetly. "I love you." He whispered to him, and Ghost smiled widely, melting into his boyfriend's warm embrace.

"I love you too, Johnny." He whispered back, he knew Toast had the same wide and dorky smile on his face. Ghost felt himself quickly slipping into sleep himself, completely at peace listening to the sound of Toast's even breathing, even feeling it against his neck from how close they were.

Yeah, he thought, just before he drifted into sleep. I could definitely still die in these arms.

I joined together two chapters I had planned in this one since I realized it was a bit too short, so this will actually most likely be 20-21 chapters.

Also! Changed my update times so that I can get this story out to you sooner. Now it's Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:30. Might actually also update on Saturday or Sunday, I'm really impatient and want to get this story out already lol.

I do have a bit of an announcement at the end of this book so
Prepare for that
Might be

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye!-Bob (Updated early cause I really need a nap and it's better than being late.)

Evil Within [A Venturiantale fanfiction(Johnny Ghost x Johnny Toast)] Where stories live. Discover now