Chapter Nine

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Ghost typed away on his laptop, coffee growing colder on the table top next to him. He had about ten tabs up, all on dreams. Cases of dreams predicting the future, whether or not it was actually possible, or merely coincidence. He had read many articles on it, most disagreeing with it being real predictions.

The only websites he found actually supporting the idea of psychic dreams being possible were websites made specifically for the paranormal-more often than not joke-sites, that didn't back up any of their points. Ghost was gradually growing more and more frustrated, groaning aloud as he found yet another awful example.

"Psychic dreams, hm?" Ghost jumped, snapping around to look at Toast with a small glare.

"You scared me." He mumbled, glancing back at the screen to close out of some of them.

"May I ask why you're looking this up, love?" Toast questioned, still looking over his shoulder. Ghost froze for a moment, before shrugging.

"I dunno. Curious, I guess." He closed out all of the sites successfully, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes. He glanced at the clock, groaning once again. It was late, of course.

"Glad you've stayed up late looking up things that interest you, but we really could have done more for our case today." Toast sighed. Ghost spun around in his chair to smile at Toast.

"Hey, we can't just mindlessly work every single day. We've barely had any breaks, we probably need to take one. It would help us look at it freshly, in a new way so we'll see things we missed before." Toast raised an eyebrow.

"What you're telling me is, you really want to slack off for another day?" Toast already knew his answer, and smiled a little.

"Yep." Ghost grinned, leaning up to kiss Toast before spinning back around, shutting off his laptop. "It really would be good for us." He shrugged again, taking a sip of his now cold drink and making a face. "Wow, I didn't realize how long I was on the computer."

"It has been a while." Toast nodded, taking the cup from him and taking it to the kitchen. "You don't need coffee now anyways, we both need to get some rest." He walked back into the room, ushering Ghost to their bedroom. "Bedtime."

Ghost laughed at that, Toast grinning himself as they went to bed.

"We can take a small break tomorrow. Then, we'll need to get back to work on it. Sound good?" Toast offered, and Ghost smiled widely.

"Sounds great." He kissed Toast, the both of them laying down. "Love you, Johnny."

"Love you too."

Evil Within [A Venturiantale fanfiction(Johnny Ghost x Johnny Toast)] Where stories live. Discover now