Chapter Eight

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Ghost bolted up in bed, breathing heavy and irregular. He was covered in something wet, and panicked, thinking it was blood. It can't be real, it can't be real. He thought, knees up to his chest, hands tugging at his hair, frantic. He tried to calm down, tried to breathe, looking down to find that he wasn't covered in blood. He was sweating, most likely from whatever that was he had just woken up from.

Nightmare.. he sighed in relief. Only a nightmare. He started to calm, and noticed Toast's hands on his shoulders. He was talking to him.

"-ove, are you alright?" He asked, shaking him slightly. "Please answer me." Ghost looked into his eyes, and took a deep breath.

"I'm okay now.." he sighed out. "I'm sorry to worry you, Johnny." He threw his arms around Toast in a hug that was quickly returned. "I just had a nightmare. It was just a nightmare." He took another shaky breath, seeming to talk to himself more than Toast, trying to assure himself.

Toast pressed a kiss to his forehead. "It's alright, love. I've got you, and it was only a dream." He held him tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Ghost whispered, pulling back from the hug to bring Toast into a kiss, the both of them staying for a while like that. When they separated Ghost simply lay his head on Toast's chest, arms wrapped around each other still. Ghost's breathing had returned to normal, his heart no longer racing in fear.

After a few minutes, the peaceful silence enveloping the two comes to an abrupt end as a phone rings, Toast's phone. He smiles apologetically at Ghost, looking to see who it was and pressing answer. "Spooker, what is it?"

Ghost shook his head. Of course it would be him to ruin the two's moment. It wasn't unusual. He still leaned against Toast as he talked on the phone, not paying attention to their conversation as he stared at his boyfriend with a smile.

After a few minutes, Ghost saw him end the call, and look back down at him. "There was another murder last night." Toast announces, and Ghost nods.

"We should get ready then. Where is it?" He questions, the two untangling themselves from each other and standing to get ready.

Toast read off the address Spooker had just texted him, and Ghost froze. "S-say that again?" He asked. Toast repeated himself, and Ghost remembered a sign, a sign he had passed in his nightmare that night-a sign with the exact address Toast had just told him on it.

He took another deep, shaky breath. Who knows, he thought. It's probably just a coincidence. It's fine. He brushed it off, nodding at Toast with a smile to mask his worry. "Alright." He said. "Let get going then."


The two arrived at the address they had been given, Ghost looking around anxiously. The street was too eerily familiar, he knew it looked exactly like this in his nightmare last night. He shook it off as best he could-it had to be coincidence.

The second the two entered the house, with Officer Maloney's clearance, Ghost was aware it was impossible for this to be coincidence.

There, on the ground were the exact same people he had seen in his dream last night. The woman and man, wearing exactly the same things, lying in exactly the same position in exactly the same house he had seen in his dream last night.

Ghost couldn't help it. He ran from the room, and all he had eaten that morning resurfaced. Toast tried to follow him, but he had motioned for him to stay, to give him some time alone. Now that he was outside, away from everyone, he panicked once more.

He was kneeling on the ground, one hand over his stomach as the threat of vomiting once again came, other hand on the ground so he wouldn't fall over. He tried to stop panicking for just a moment, tried to just think of a logical explanation for this. It wasn't just a dream. That he knew.

So then, what could it have been? He knew there was no way he could have killed those people. He could never do such a thing.

Then, if it was a dream, what if it was a vision? He had heard of people having psychic dreams once or twice, especially being someone who investigated the paranormal. He didn't know much about it. Could that be it?

Possibly. He would have to do more research to know for sure.

He had calmed down now, thinking about other explanations. It couldn't have been him. He knew that.

Standing up once again, Ghost took a deep breath for the umpteenth time that morning, and walked back towards the house. He wouldn't tell anyone about this yet; not until he knew for sure what was going on.

Sorry about the late update and

You're welcome. lol I didn't think I'd actually be able to post today, but here we are

I have decided to post on Saturday's and Sunday's as long as I'm ahead, that way I can get all the chapters out sooner and be done with this book. I'm excited! Hope you all are excited too!

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think is gonna happen. Bye!-Bob

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