Happy ending

150 28 74

This is the end of the story .
you already know Rin and Alan lived happily ever after .

wanna know what happened with Cassandra and Gianna ?

Gianna and Cassandra became business partners .
they made their own brand which got to become more popular than Apple and Microsoft.
they become one of the richest people in world .

what about Bailey?
she left her forced job (doctor)
she did what she always wanted to do , that is automobile engineering!

she made the best super car of the world !
it costs about $999,999,999,9999
she got 53 of them sold so you can imagine how rich Bailey is right now.(oh i wish it was true!)

end of the story?
not now, I wanna tell you what actually gave me some idea to frame this story.

it is a 6 year old blind girl of my school . There is a separate building in our school where blind and disabled children are taught.
I was assigned the duty of taking her there and really one learns a lot there ! I stop complaining about my problems , I learn how those kids manage to live happily even if they're mentally , physically challenged.

That girl is the one I dedicate my story to.

she can walk without support now ! that's wonderful , she can even recognize the voice of every person she meets.

is this it?

no again.
special thanks to

thank you all the walkers!
for voting on this story and for not voting on other stories I mean seriously you guys are awesome !you are giving me zero votes for other books wow!
you are giving 'zero' a value!

how beautiful is that.

just kidding , I know you don't like my other books .
I appreciate your honesty .

OK now last thing :
yesterday I lost my way to tuition (side effect of staying indoors)

I thought of going back but there were five stray dogs waiting for their hotdog .
i didn't want to be their lunch .

i took a step. dogs started growling...
keep walking you're a walker hoor .
i took another step.

suddenly a car passes by me and the driver was listening to faded.

"I'm faded......." when i heard the music i felt so energetic
i followed the same way that car went through, the car disappeared , there was no sign of stray dogs and.
and I found my way!
so good bye.

    ALAN WALKER:SONGS DON'T NEED LIGHTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang