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I woke up in pieces of fabric, strewn together with tiny strings that were an excuse for clothes. I was on his bed I guess, I wasn't in my room. I accepted my defeat and went to find him.
"Ahh, you have awakened." He said with a smile.
"I don't want to talk to you."
"Well that should be hard considering the fact that you live with me."
"Because you kidnapped me!"
"When are you going to get over that?"
"I'm sure..." There was a long pause.
"Well, get walking!" He demanded. So I did. I strutted beautifully, yet angrily because I didn't have a choice. As I did I focused on the good things in life. I am in a mansion.......well, that's everything! After he was done with me dancing he asked me a very personal question.
"Are you a virgin?" I was shocked, how could he ask such a thing? I was though. But I certainly didn't want to tell him! I blushed and slipped out of the room without a word.


          The next morning I woke up handcuffed to a pole. I was wearing mere undergarments. I didn't think we left the mansion so I guessed he had a club room. I was on a stage that changed colors, it was terrifying. I saw in the aisle a rolling table with a gag, blindfold, ropes, feathers, and others, waiting to be put to use. I was so scared. I did not want to be there AT ALL. It was horrific. That's all I can describe it with, horrific.
         James walked in, "Finally awake dear?"
"I am not your 'dear'. Get me away from this thing!"
"Nuh-uh! I have work for you!"
"I don't have time for this. Leave me be!"
"You are mine and I shall do what I want with you."
"I thought you might actually have a heart for a minute there!"
"Well you are obviously stupid, because I don't, and you know what I want." He had a pause, then he took a short breath as if remembering something and asked me, "So how about you answer that question from last night..."
This time it was me pausing. My face flushed and I sat there awkwardly. "Yes." I said  feebly. Surprise washed over his face. Now I realized I should have foreshadowed from the question last night. I was so scared. I felt like I was falling in a hole where it is too wide to grab on to the edges and pull yourself back up. A hole that seemingly had no end. He messed with me, teasing me with the fact that I was stuck to a pole, but that's it. As if he had changed his mind on what he would do to me. Did James have a heart?

Journal of a PrisonerWhere stories live. Discover now