Chapter Twenty-Eight

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For the next day,Eren did his normal stuff he did on his day off- shop for food,sleep,worry about his patients,A raven-haired,angry male in particular, and sleep some more,only breaking the cycle to eat and text Marco back.

The day after though,he was wound up like a spring, bouncing around his apartment as the daylight hours ticked by.
By the time that 10 O'clock came,his nails were bitten to stubs and his stomach was in knots,but he got dressed and trudged reluctantly to the asylum,where Erwin was waiting for him in the main room,smiling in a fatherly way at him.

"Good Evening, Eren. I thought you might be a bit anxious about tonight, so I'm going to give you a quick rundown of what you should do for the next few hours. " He said as soon as the younger male spotted him. Eren's shoulders relaxed at the words,and he offered him a grateful smile. "That would be awesome,thanks!"

Trailing after the other male,Eren listened to the instructions, which were pretty basic.

Don't let the patients out. Don't feed them. Check on any who have seizures. Patrol the halls. Keep lights dim. Make sure they're all in their rooms. Get help if one has a seizure.

"Alright, that's it. Oh, and stay calm. It seems rough,but it's actually easier than your day job." Erwin ended his list of instructions, slapping a heavy hand down on Eren's shoulder. "Yes,Sir."

Eren found,to his surprise,that it actually was quite easy. Other than one patient who wandered the halls,having somehow escaped their room,Eren was alone. And while that would normal make him very unsettled, he used his extra time he had between checking in on patients to search for the basement hatch- or at least,he assumed it'd be a hatch,as he'd been in every room on the first floor.

Come sunrise,though,he'd found nothing and had given up for the night, working his way up to the front once more.
Suddenly, an arm wrapped around his waist,pulling him hard against the unknown assailant's body,a warm hand slapping across his mouth before he could scream.

"Don't scream! It's me!!" A voice hissed in his ear. Eren's elbow,which he'd wrenched forward,about to slam it back into their torso,froze. Feeling him relax,They slowly moved their hand.

"Mikasa? What the hell are you doing out of your cell?! You damn near gave me a heart attack!" He snapped,whirling around to glare at her.
"Shhh!!!" She looked around desperately, putting a finger against his mouth.
"I'm sorry I scared you. I just needed to get out of there for a minute,Eren. I was actually starting to go crazy, staring at those same puffy walls all day!" She explained, her words jumbling a bit. Eren sighed,pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well,I'm sorry,Mikasa. But you need to go back to your room. " he spoke slowly,as though he was speaking to a child. She bit her lip,lowering her eyes to the floor.

"I know. But will you still come see me next time you work?" She whispered,drawing another sigh from him.

"Yes,Mikasa. Yes,okay? Now go back to your cell before you get us both in trouble!" His tone was low,his eye twitching a bit. She threw her arms around his waist,hugging him around the waist,swiftly letting go and turning on her heel. He watched as she marched back to her room like she owned the place,her back straight and her head held high.

She's such an idiot sometimes...

Shaking his head,Eren dismissed it as nothing and went to clock out, waving at Erwin, who was just coming down from the top floor.

"Did I hear you you talking to someone,Eren?" He looked at him,his brows furrowed and a slight frown on his face. Eren's green eyes widened for a moment before he shook his head slightly.

"No,Sir. Just myself."
Erwin's frown deepened, and Eren felt a cold sweat break out over the back of his neck.

"That's a sign of losing your mind. Should I make you a room?" After a beat of silence,Erwin's face broke into a grin.
"Relax,that was just a little joke. You must be exhausted. Go get some sleep,Eren. I expect to see you here bright and early tomorrow morning."

Eren laughed nervously, rubbing his ear. "I am,Sir. Can't wait to get home and crash. You get some sleep too." He said after a second's hesitation, walking over to clock out.
"Once again. The name is Erwin. Not Mr. Smith or Sir!" Chuckling over his shoulder,Erwin laughed and Eren left,walking for a street before bursting into a run for the second time that week.

Bed,here I come!!

**Sorry for the short chapter this week! I'm crammed at the moment! But I love you guys! <3 Also,sorry for any mistakes!!**

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