Chapter Thirty-three

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**Here y'all go!**

With the other male's encouragement ringing in his ears,Eren's anxiety stopped building as he moved on to clean the halls a while after finishing the rooms,making sure everything was spotless. After lunch,the visitors started pouring in,Eren helping assist all ages of people to the correct rooms, being sure to ask their names. An hour passed,and he still saw no sign of Armin,though he had no idea what he looked like. Sighing,he leaned against the wall as Marco ran after one visitor.

"Sir! Nothing sharp allowed,please take off your ring and leave it at the front desk!" The way he was pleading made Eren let out a tired laugh,resulting in him getting a glare from Marco. Shaking his head,Eren walked over and tapped the man's shoulder. After a minute of conversation, the stranger slipped the ring off and handed it to him. "May I ask which room a Levi Ackerman is? My daughter has asked me to visit." He said softly.

"Your daughter? " Eren asked curiously. The man nodded.
"Her name is Petra. They dated a while ago. Can you show me his room?" At his words,Eren's body tensed and he nearly said no as jealousy made his jaw clench. Instead,he nodded stiffly and beckoned the man to follow him.
Leading him down the strangely crowded hall,he handed the man a visitor card.

"Swipe it down the slot next to the door to open it on either side,the door will close and lock behind you. " Eren murmured, demonstrating for him once they stood outside the door. As it hissed open and let out a burst of icy air,Eren called,
"Levi? There's a visitor here. Are you up to seeing him? He says he's your...friend...Petra's dad." A little bitterness entered his voice at the last second, earning a questioning look from the stranger.

"Yeah. Let him in." Levi's voice sounded almost happy,or rather,just not as serious as normal,which made a strange pang of hurt cause Eren's heart to clench.
"Alright. Behave. Sir,you know how to get back out,so I'll be going."

Ignoring the quizzical look Levi seemed to throw his way,Eren strode down the hall and back to the front,waiting by the door to assist the visitors. Suddenly, a freckle-faced someone grabbed Eren's arm,yanking on it with a surprising amount of strength.

"Hey,what's the deal? That hurts,Marco!" Eren tugged his arm away,his eyes widening. Marco quickly let go,his  own eyes staring at the floor.

"Sorry,sorry! It's just that your guy showed up a few minutes ago,and Erwin is livid,he wants you in the room with them right away! I'll take over with everything else!" The male squeaked,starting to twist his hands together as he continued to avoid Eren's eyes. Eren gasped,said green eyes widening more as his mouth fell open.

"Shit! He's here already?!" He gasped. At Marco's nod,he let out another curse.
"Okay! Thanks,I should go!" With that, Eren turned on his heel and began to scurry down the hall,the journey taking far longer than he wished it to due to the multitudes of people gathered in the halls,either leaving or just arriving. Finally,he arrived at Hanji's door,knocking before sliding his key card in the slot and pulling it down. The door opened a crack with a beep and a hiss,but Eren tensed up,his hand wrapped tightly around the door handle.

Is this really happening? What if I fuck it all up? What if he doesn't want to speak with me? Oh,God...

His heart pounded in his chest, but he took a deep breath,trying to control his racing thoughts and  dry his sweaty palms.

"Hey,Hanji. It's me. I- I need to come in there,I gotta watch you two. " he called out softly in warning,not wanting to startle her.
There was a second's pause,and a soft whisper that Eren couldn't quite make out before Hanji's energetic voice answered him.

"Yeah! Come on in."

Breathing out a soft sigh of relief, he opened the door more and stepped inside, hearing it click shut  behind him,still not facing the two in the room.

"Good afternoon. How are yo-" Eren's words died on his pale lips as he finally turned, all of the blood draining out of his face and his heart plummeting into his stomach at a sickening speed.

There,standing flat against the wall was the blonde,wide-eyed teenager known as 'Armin'.

He was in my dreams about the basement!!!

As the stunning relation hit the brunette male and he stood gaping, Armin's face lit up with a soft,small smile.

"You must be Eren. I've wanted to talk to you. Hello."

**Okay,I'm sorry the chapter is a bit short,but I want to end it there for now! Ahh-Don't hate me! <3 There will be more soon! Please leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed and want more!**

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