I Can't lose Her The Way I Lost My...

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I Can't lose Her The Way I Lost My...

Alexander had woken up to their bedroom door being slammed open Alexander looked up and saw Angelica standing in there door way Alexander walked over to her wondering what was she doing here "is something the matter" Alexander said looking at Angelica Angelica grabbed Alexander by his wrist and started walking Alexander had begun to get worried about what was wrong. When Angelica and Alexander had gotten down stairs Angelica pointed to the couch Alexander looked at her confused but walked over to the couch, when he had gotten he saw Eliza lying there paler than she was normally and her father by her side holding her hand telling everything was gonna be alright Alexander got worried and walked to Philip's side "what's wrong with Eliza" Alexander said looking at Eliza worried about her "we don't know all she keeps saying that it hurts and kept asking for you" Philip said looking at Alexander Alexander grabbed Eliza hand Eliza looked at Alexander and smiled at him "everything going to be alright i promise" Alexander said kissing Eliza hand Eliza smiled and rested her head against the pillow Philip tapped Alexander shoulder Alexander looked at Philip "can i talk to you" Philip said Alexander nodded and they had walked to the dining room. Philip sat down Alexander was worried about what Philip was going to say to him "Alexander i fear this might be something worse then what Eliza is telling us" Philip said looking at Alexander Alexander looked at the ground "Angelica and i fear that whatever Eliza sickness is what her mother had at this age"Philip said looking at the ground "from what her mother passed away from" Alexander said sadly looking at the ground "Yes, never thought Eliza would talk about her mother" Philip said looking at Alexander "she asked me about my family and i told her about my past and well i asked her about hers she hesitated but she eventually told me what had happened to her mother" Alexander said looking at Philip "she only tells the people she really trust about her past and what had happened to her mother" Philip said Alexander looked at him "you must be lucky she trust you to tell you everything she was afraid of even telling her friends when she was little" Philip said looking at Alexander "and i'm happy that i have her trust and to have her as my wife" Alexander said smiling but they had heard a screamed that had came from were Eliza and Angelica were Alexander stood up and ran to where the girls were at. Alexander had seen Angelica crying on the blanket that had covered Eliza to keep her warm Alexander had gotten worried about the state of health that his wife was in "what's wrong with her" Alexander said sitting on the other side of Angelica "s-she" Angelica "what, what's wrong with her" Alexander said looking at Eliza grabbing her hand Angelica stood up and walked away from Alexander. As Alexander, Philip, and Angelica waited for the doctor to finish checking Eliza seeing what happened Alexander was pacing in their room Philip kept looking at him "she'll-" Alexander stood up "WHAT IF SHE NOT FINE WHAT IF SHE NEVER COMES BACK TO US, I JUST GOT HER TRUST BACK AFTER THE STUPID THING I HAD DONE AND I'M NOT LOSING HER" Alexander screamed looking at both Philip and Angelica Alexander ran his fingers through his hair trying to calm himself down, after a while Alexander was lying on his and Eliza's bed Alexander kept looking at his wedding ring smiling but then there was a knock on his door he sat up seeing Eliza standing there Alexander felt tears rolling down his face he smiled at her Eliza smiled Alexander ran over to her picking her up and swinging her Alexander had started to relax as he heard her laughing "everythings going to be ok now right" Alexander said as he laid his head against Eliza head "yes" Eliza said smiling Alexander smiled at her Eliza realized Alexander was still crying Eliza started to whip the tears off his face when Alexander kissed her Eliza smiled and kissed him back. Alexander had grabbed Eliza and brought her to their bed laid her down and lied beside her Eliza scooted closer to him "we are never leaving each other's side" Eliza said Alexander smiled and put his hands around hers "till death takes us apart but even that won't stop me from being with you" Alexander said Eliza smiled falling asleep Alexander looked at her "my Eliza" Alexander said falling asleep Eliza smiled not trying to let Alexander know she was still awake but she had to say something back "my Alexander Hamilton" Eliza said smiling but she was surprised when Alexander turned her over to face him Alexander smiled at Eliza "i love you Eliza" Alexander said hugging Eliza Eliza smiled "i love you too Alexander" Eliza said laying her head against Alexander falling asleep Alexander smiled falling asleep.

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