The Schuyler Family Ball

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                                                                     The Schuyler Family Ball

As Alexander and Eliza had arrived at Eliza father house Alexander had gotten nervous Eliza saw him she laid her head against his "well tell him what happen, he knows you wouldn't do anything like that to me" Eliza said Alexander looked at her kissing her forehead. Eliza had knocked on the door Alexander had looked away hearing the door open "hello Eliza" Philip said looking at Alexander "what happen Alexander" Philip said Alexander looked at him looking back down "Burr hurt her after she tried to protect me while i was knocked out" Alexander said still looking down "Father understand he didn't do anything like that, Burr just changed... a lot and these bruises are not from Alexander, they are from me doing what Alexander would have done for me if i was knocked out" Eliza said taking Alexander hand Alexander looked at her smiling "i trust he wouldn't lay a finger on you, ever" Philip said looking at Alexander "never" Alexander said looking at Philip. As Alexander and Eliza had walked into the house they had seen Angelica standing by the staircase Eliza walked over to her exchanging a hug with her sister "hello Angelica" Eliza said smiling looking at Angelica Angelica looked at her and smiled at her, Alexander had went back outside sitting on the front steps on the schuyler house thinking what had just happened between him,Eliza and Burr, Alexander had heard the door open and saw Philip standing there Alexander waved then looked straight ahead of him Philip sat down next Alexander "you did everything you could to protect Alexander" Philip said Alexander looked at him then turned away " wasn't enough to keep her safe" Alexander said a single tear running down his face Philip looked at "all that matter is that you care about her safety and you would do anything to keep her safe" Philip said Alexander looked at him "you're a good man and i'm happy for my daughter to have gotten so lucky to have married someone like you" Philip said Alexander stood up and walked away Philip sighed walking back into the house Eliza was waiting by the door "where's Alexander father" Eliza said worried Philip looked at her "he's around back but hurry your mother's family and my family will be here soon so we can start the winter ball"Philip said looking at Eliza Eliza nodded and walked out the front door starting to worry about Alexander. Alexander sat on a bench in the garden thinking about why Burr would lay a hand on a girl, Alexander her footsteps and turned around to see Eliza Alexander sighed walking over to her "are you alright Alexander"Eliza said grabbing Alexander's hands Alexander looked at her and started to cry, Eliza put her arms around Alexander Alexander laid his head against her shoulder "hey it's alright Alexander i'm here for you and i don't plan on ever leaving" Eliza said smiling at him Alexander smiled back resting his head on Eliza's, after a while Alexander put his arm out for Eliza and they had started to walk towards the Schuyler's house. When Alexander and Eliza entered the house they saw that people had arrived Eliza started to walk behind Alexander Alexander looked at her "what's wrong Eliza" Alexander said looking at Eliza Eliza pointed at someone who was walking towards them Alexander nodded grabbing one of Eliza's hand, the man walked up to Alexander Alexander looked at him "is there a problem sir" Alexander said feeling Eliza start to shake as the guy got closer to them, man looked at Alexander and nodded "what are you doing with miss s-" before the man could finish Eliza walked forward grabbing Alexander had showing him their wedding rings "actually i'm not a Schuyler and more i'm a Hamilton and if you want to cause problems Charles you wish you never came towards me and my husband" Eliza said Alexander smiled and put his arm around Eliza, Charles looked at them surprised "never thought you would marry someone outside of your fathers standards" Charles said looking at them Eliza moved closer to Alexander Alexander kissed her forehead "her father let us and might i add i could care less what you think about us and if you think we shouldn't be together but i love her and her father gave me his blessing to marry her and we've been together for twelve years now and if you try anything i will personally deal with you, because you don't mess with the Hamiltons" Alexander said grabbing Eliza's hand and walking away Eliza smiled at Alexander "thank you" Eliza said Alexander smiled and they walked into Eliza's room. Alexander shut the door "what is wrong with him and you"Alexander said looking at Eliza Eliza put her head down "my father was araging for us to get married then i told him about you and he got mad and tried to move the wedding faster and well when he finally met you he called it off and he actually liked someone i was fine with dating" Eliza said looking down Alexander was surprised and walked over to her and hugged her Eliza had started to cry Alexander kissed her forehead "Eliza.... its alright that you never told me about that, I shouldn't have asked and you wouldn't be upset-" before Alexander could finish Eliza kissed him, after a while Alexander and Eliza broke apart laughing "thanks" Alexander said smiling Eliza smiled back "of course my dear" Eliza said laughing Alexander laughed "we should get down stairs before your parents get worried" Alexander said Eliza nodded and they started to walk down stairs to the ball room.

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