I'll Leave you alone...But first..

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(Am i the only one who thinks Vilonet J from Insane Clown Posse looks like Guy Feri and Shaggy from The Insane Clown Posse is VERY attractive? Yes? Ok...)

_Skylor's P. O. V._ 

I groan opening my eyes to the bright sun in the sky, The jerk woke me up. I slowly sat up from my 'Bed' . My body ached from running and sleeping on the hard ground and crunchy leaves. I rub my eyes leaning against the tree.

What do i do now? Run for the rest of my li-

My thought was cut short when i heard the crunching of leaves. I climbed up the tree with a speed unknown to me, i sat on one of the branches and looked down at a boy with a black hoodie . The boy looked around before sliding the hood off his head.

I gasped quietly "Ryuk" 

Ryuks eyes widen and he looked up at me "S-Sky...i came looking for you"

I began to scoot back into the shadows of the tree, "P-Please....Don't send me to the asylum....please" i whimpered and hugged my knees, i didn't belong there. Maybe i did but thats besides the point.

Ryuk shook his head quickly "I wan to help you.... you proved to me that your a really nice person....Spice thinks so too."

I shrug slightly, I guess he does... But who knows what he's thinking; I mean for all i know he likes me because he wants me for a doggy treat. Haha, Not happening.

" Come back...With me. I promise i wont ever rat you out." Ryuk says genuinely, as his gaze held mine.

"R-Really?" I was taken aback, "Really" He nods his head. Hesitantly i climb down the tree, together, Side by side we began to walk towards his house. After the walk we arrived at the door and he used his key to unlock it, I walked in first and he followed behind me.

"I'm going to lay down for a while, my body is still stiff." I inform Ryuk as he sat on the sofa, he nodds his head and petted his loyal pet; Spice. I walked into 'My room'  and flopped onto the bed with a sigh. Getting comfortable i place my hands behind my head and cross my legs simple starring at the plain white room.

" Why, Hello again Sky " Says a sly voice on the other side of the room, I shot up as fast as a leopard ready to pounce on its prey. I saw Jeff step into the room from the window, he seems to be smirking but i couldn't tell perfectly.

"What are you doing here...." I ask carefully, Jeff leans agiest the wall "Just watching over you, Don't want you takn away again now do we?" his grin got bigger making a drop of blood slither down his cheek and to his chin landing on his white hoodie, most likely staining it.


I narrowed my eyes glaring at him, "I don't need  you to watch over me like a child, It was only oe mistake. I Dont. Need. You. "  I say sternly crossing my arms.

"Yeah, You do. " Jeff countered and slowly walked to the edge of the bed " Just one mistake" he held up one finger, no not the one your probably thinking. "Can cost you everything. I- .....Believe me....Its true."

"Besides" Jeff crossed his arms, "You would have been in that asylum if it wasn't for me"

My anger was boiling up, "JUST GO! I don't want you around me Dammit!"  I damn nearly yell, But i did't want Ryuk worrying.  "Fine, Fine. buuuut you have to do something for me." He grinned.

"What do you want from me?! "

"Kiss me" Jeff leaned in a bit so our faces were slightly closer, "What!? NO !"  I glare but my face showed a blush. Jeff sat beside me and shrugged "Then i'm not leaving."

I bit my lip looking at him, All i want is peace and quiet riht now. "Fine!" I grabbed the collar of his hoodie and griped it into a fist quickly, Then pulled him down locking our lips

"Mpft-" Jeff made a quick noise of shock then quickly kissed back

The scares on his lips felt scratchy against my soft lips, i could even taste the blood of them. For Jeff was smirking threw the kiss, HE WAS ENJOYING IT!

Once i realized i pushed him away nearly making him fall off the bed, "T-There. Now leave" My face burned a dark red in the day light coming threw the windows. Jeff stood with a grin planted on his face, "Okay, goodbye doll. Don't miss me to much."

He jumped out of the window, leaving me red face

'The hell happened...'

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