Leaving Good Friends

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( I got up to chapter 9 done! just gotta type it yay! )

_Skyler's P.O.V._

I mentally slapped myself for being so effected by a love-less kiss, More importantly with a monster! A Murderer!

But i'm a monster to right? I'm a killer as well.

"Yes, I am." I sighed, 'Well at least he is gone now'. I get up from the bed, Knowing i wont get a wink of sleep any time soon.

I Need to get a hold of myself!

It's been ten minutes and i'm still thinking about that damn kiss and-.....him

Another slap for myself, If i really did i was sure my cheeks would hurt. I moved some brown hair out of my face. as i opened the door of the room lended to me.

Surprisingly, There stood Spice. The great dane was looking at me with his head tilted and worry in his eyes. Supposedly dogs know when somethings wrong,  When Something's there, When someone is good or bad.

Yet, He likes me. I'm not a good person though, i gently pet his head. Ryuk's head peered over the corner of the hallway, "There you two are, I knew i heard something"  he says with a soft smile.

My eyes widen for a moment,  Then i realized he believed i was talking to Spice. "Oh, uh-Yea" i nodded and walked down the hall into the living room.

I took a seat on the middle seat of the sofa while Ryuk sat on my right and Spice jumped onto the left side on the white couch. "So do you feel better?' Ryuk asked with obvious concern, i nod my head not wanting him to worry "Yeah, I'm fine now".

Ryuk smiled to himself from what i saw from the corner of my eye, "You know.. uh.. i'm really happy you got away" he says nervously as if he was scared of what i would think.

My eyes widen slightly in sup rise and my head tuned so i can see him, "Why would you come?" i question in a soft voice. "There's a possibility i could kill you at any moment." I stated knowing it was true nut their was still worry in my eyes for my Friend. 

Ryuk nodded, he understood that "I believe you can snap..at  any moment". His eyes softened, "Your a beautiful and...kind girl" he murmured just loud enough for my ears to hear, "I doubt it can happen again..".

I blinked my hazel eyes, I was pretty shocked  "Really?" i asked to be sure i had herd him correctly. Ryuk nods his head making some black hair cover his right eye "Yes" My lips parted slightly then closed again,

"Then there's the fact that i- ..uh" Ryuk began to stutter, i furrow my brows "Well...What is it?".

"I like-"

Ryuk was then cut off by the sound of a police sirens, we shot up from our seats as quick as we could as well did Spice. "Are you fucking with me.." I mumble under my breath, How did they find us? 

Spice growled quietly and Ryuk looked at me quickly his blue eyes wide, "Run" he whispered. My own eyes widen, i can't leave my best friend since...  the incident. 

"I'm not leaving you" I exclaim and the door was kicked in landing on the wooden floor with a Bang. There stood three police men, "Your Under arrest." says the most buff. One took hold of my upper arm but with Spice's bite on their leg they let go with a yelp.

Ryuk shoved me to the door as two police men grabbed one of his arms and leads him outside with Spice following barking loudly.Ryuk looked back at me with concern then turned away lowering his head.

The last cop walked towards me but i pushed him away from me and i ran into the kitchen with him chasing me, i opened the back door and ran outside with the sun starting the drop below the clouds making the sky darken in color. 

I ran into the only hiding place i had now; The woods. 

I ran into the dense and lush forest, not stopping at all. Ryuk was arrested and most likely being trailed, Spice was possibly at the pound. My legs ached and i began to slow down, i lost the cop since no one dared come so deep into the woods at this hour.

I stopped leaning on a tree as i panted harshly for a breath, "It's all my fault " i murmured out loud as i slowly slid down the tree.

"I'm so sorry"

What I've Done... (Jeff The Killer Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora