How did this happen?

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HI! This is my first fan fiction EVER!!! Comment and fan me! 

Maria's P.O.V

How the hell did Harry Styles end up under my car? It was so, fast, I couldn't..... Oh, I've gotta tell you.

I was at the mall with a group of friends, We just saw the HUNGER GAMES!!!!! (Best movie ever, I might add, go watch it) I was backing out of my parking space slower than a snail with arthritis, which is really slow. I looked, and looked, and looked, and nobody was there. So I continued and WHAM!! I hit something. Oh shit.

I bolted out to see what it was, but it ended up being the hottest guy in the world. Crimson blood matted his chocolate brown curls, his face bleeding like no tomorrow. His leg was broken and his clothes torn, it took al my strength not to look at him topless. I looked around and saw a group of guys in the distance, so I started screaming for help. I can't believe who came running...


Louis's P.O.V

We sent Harry out 20 minuites ago to warm the car, and he didn't come back. The guys and I were listening out for the familiar hum of the car, but we all heard a call for help. We sprinted past the cars towards the call for help. Liam got there first, and we all heard him swear, it takes alot for Liam to swear. The rest of us caught up, me in the lead, followed by Niall and Zayn, and it was the worst night of our lives.

Harry was covered in blood, as in literally covered. His hair was completely red and there were cuts all over his face. Shit. There was this girl next to him shouting on a phone like she knew what she was doing. She was about our age, and her long, chocolate hair framed her face. You could tell she had been crying while trying to make sure he was ok, her emerald eyes were red like blood.

She got off the phone and, wiping her eyes, looked at us and whispered,"I'm so sorry. I didn't see him. But let me tell you, I wil do everything in my power to make sure he performs in the best of health."

I knelt down beside her and asked,"What do you need?"

"Get in the car. We're going to the hospital, there's a room waiting for him there. I'll do his surgery as soon as he's stable."


"I'm a doctor. Specialize in these sort of accidents. Ironic Huh?" then she pushed us into the car. "I need you three" Pointing to Liam, Niall and Zayn" to support Harry and make sure his head doesn't tilt and he doesn't jolt."

I leapt into the front seat and watched her slide in. Her t-shirt was soaked through in blood, and it was dripping onto her pants. I quickly turned away as she caught me looking. She blushed, god she was so hot, started the car, and drove us off towards the hospital.

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