Chapter 11: Family Bonds

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Hi everyone! The long-awaited chapter is here! ENJOY!


Harry's P.O.V.

Yeah yeah, I shouldn't have kissed her. It was just a peck, mind you. My loyal fans screamed in horror but,




"See me backstage.", I whispered into her ear before she unwound my arms from her throat and walked back into the crowd. The looks on their faces, you would think they were about to mugg her. It kinda creeped me out, like, ALOT!

Thankfully, Louis saved the day by, um, stacking it? He went tumbling over the stage and into the crowd, where he crowd surfed while the rest of us laughed our butts off. He kept flexing his muscles and winking at fans. The attention was pulled away from Maria for a moment, just enough time for her to slip away into the crowds.

The concert ende with tears, screams, sore ears and a happy band. Maria's return had lifted our spirits to cloud nine, the top of the world, I felt invincible. I felt whole. 

I walked off the stage in a good mood and preety much danced towards the dressing room. When I reached the door, I heard voices coming from the inside, so I knocked.

"Come in.", a familiar voice answered, so I opened the door and stared at the scene before me.

The manager and Maria were sitting on the leather lounge in the center of the room, talking.

"Let me get this straight, you were almost raped, kissed the guy you raped, ran over my brother, operated on him, got him in hospital twice and got him shot. Then you show up here and was just kissed on stage. Did I miss anything?", the manager, my sister Natalie asked, looking at Maria. Natalie is 2 years older than me, and she has long blonde hair with hot pink ends. The only way we look like each other is our eyes are the exact same colour. She's tall and slim, and Niall found a picture of her in my wallet and now claims it for his own. Told him to back off once when I found him kissing the photo, creepy.

"Nope.", Maria replied, popping on the p.

"Well, I think you are THE craziest person I have ever met. And I respect you for that. I am so glad you are the assistant manager."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?", I heard from behind me. I turned and saw my fellow band members staring at the girls on the lounge.

"What?", they both asked. I couldn't help it, I cracked up laughing at how funny this was. The boys didn't know what was going on, neither did the girls, and I knew everything for once, I had all the secrets. Oh Yeah!


"Yeah, Natalie?"

"Please explain before I throw the hairbrush at your head."

"Gosh, sis. Calm down. I'll explain."


Hi everybody. You know what comes next.

Rose in the thorns

I looked over the battlements, the wind rustling my hair. I will find him, no matter what.

A King, a Knight, and a Maid. All caught up in a deadly love triangle. Forced marriage, magic and true love surface in this fairy tale, and it may not have a happy ending.....

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