Chapter 5: Why must the devil take revenge?

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HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO! Sorry, I love you guys so much, I couldnt keep you hangin! ENJOY!!!


Maria's P.O.V

I am going to die. Aaron is driving like a maniac, I'm fearing for my life. Please, I don't want to die. 

Suddenly, we come to a stop. Aaron get's out open's the foor, swings me over his shoulder and carries me inside. He places me on a too-familiar floor.

We are in an old shack near the forest. Aaron and I often came here for privacy, we shared so many happy memories here, and they mean't nothing.

He untied my gag, and I let loose with a wave of curses. He just looked at me and smiled.

"You asshole, how could you! Do you know what you have done? You are in big trouble here if I don't get back to the hospital soon."

"Why? Got a new boyfriend?"

"You could say that."

"You do know that Harry kid will forget about you, he's famous."

"He won't Aaron. Remember the time you tried to kiss me but you were knocked out cold, Harry knocked you out. He won't forget, I won't forget. There's nothing you can do to change that!" 

When I said that, I immediately wished I didn't. Aaron pushed me into the far corner of the room and chained me to a table. "If he want's you, he can come and get you." He then pushed his hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone,"Without any hints of course." He smiled and left, leaving my phone on the other side of the room.

When he left, I panicked. What was Harry and the others going to do? How would they find me? What if Aaron found them first? All of a sudden, my phone rang.


Harry's P.O.V

"Pick up, Maria, Pick up", I whispered through my teeth as I waited impatiently for her to answer. While the police had looked for any sign of why she had been taken, I was a main help, as I had gotten who had taken her straight off, Aaron, The hospital gave us her mobile number to ring. They had granted me permission to leave the hospital grounds as 1) I was in good health for someone who had been operated on last week and woke up this morning and 2) I was one of the few people Maria still trusted.

A crackle came out of the phone and I heard the most wonderful sound you could ever imagine.

"Hello?", whispered Maria.

"You're o.k! Where are you? What has he done to you? Tell me and I'll come and get you", I told her.

"No, don't. Harry, he'll kill you. I couldn't live with that. Stay there, the police will figure this out."

"Maria, they don't believe me. I told them my theory of popularity involving you, and they laughed in my face. They aren't going to do anything anytime soon."

"No, I won't tell you."

"Don't make me ask the police to track your phone."

"Fine, I'm in an old cottage near the forest, near the spot you,"

"Saved you from?"


"Look, I'm coming to get you. No matter what."

"Harry, please don't."

"Maria, I can't let the girl I love rot in an abandoned house because of some wierdo. I'm coming right now." I hung up.


Maria's P.O.V.

 He loves me. Harry Styles loves me. Those words sent hope to my heart. I sat there, looking out the window, smiling.

Aaron burst in, knelt down in front of me, and slapped my face.

"You really think that your friends can come and save you? You are so stupid Maria. They aren't coming."

"Yes they are. I know it. We all do. I'm going home."

"To that softie? He's all bark no bite."

I looked Aaron in the eyes and said,"You and I both know that's a load of crap."

"Alright then. If you say so." Aaron undid the chains binding me to the table and carried me outside into the forest. He threw me to the ground and chained me to a 500-year old oak tree.

"They can't find you here."

"Oh, they will."


OOOOOOOHHHHHH. Does the band find Harry's girl? Will Aaron get over his failure? Will Maria and Harry live in harmony for the rest of their lives? VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

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