Killi Nooooooo! Get outta my head Killi!

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The picture gave the idea for the title of the chapter. Just to explain for those non-Xmen fans Charles can read minds and the catt is like bro stop reading my mind. I also thought it was hilarious.


Once school had ended, Killian thanked me for showing him around school for the day and left. After he left I found Jackie by the school entrance, "Hey, you ready to go?" I asked and she nodded standing up from the wall she was leaning against.

"So, who was the dude following you around today exactly?" She asked raising one eyebrow at me in curiosity.

"His name is Killi." I responded.

"Last name?"


"Killi Breck!? What kind of a name is that!?"

"Well I mean Killi is short for Killian"

"Oh I see." Jackie responded​ cutting me off.

"Wait how did you know his last name!" I practically shouted at her.

"First hour, remember?" She said with a mischievous look on her face.

"Well then why did u ask me his name!?"

"To see how much you like him, and clearly it's a lot." She answered raising one eyebrow and gesturing to me.

"I do not!" I responded in defense.

"Really? Because we've walked the total of twelve blocks to my house and you haven't stopped talking about him." She says wiggling her eyebrows as turns around with her back towards me and pretends to make out with the air.

"Jackie stop!" I say and she turns back around, "So what are you doing tonight since your parents aren't home?" I ask as we walk to the door of her small white house.

"Have a party" she answered as if it was written across her forehead, "you want to come?"

"No thanks my delinquent friend. Parties aren't my thing."

"Killi might come." She suggested

"No thanks, have fun with your party." I say as I turn away from her bright red front door.

"Will do," she yelled back at me as she closed the door.

I wonder if he really will go, I thought. Wait! Why am still I thinking about him! I shook my head and walked back to school to get my car that I forgot about because I was too busy talking to Jackie about Killi. Oh my gosh get out of my Killi.


Hey, I'm sorry I know this chapter is shorter than the other ones and the end might be kind of confusing. Again sorry.

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