The Movies With Killi?

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"You're doing what now?!" Jackie asked me as we walked into the school together.

"I'm going with Killi to see a movie." Repeated again slower so she understood me hoping I wouldn't have to repeat myself.

"OH MY GOD! YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH KILL..." I quickly covered Jackie's mouth.

"It's not a date he made that very clear. It's just as friends."

"Wait since when are you two friends?"

"Since forever," Leland said walking up behind us in the hallway.

"Not you dumbass!" She yelled back at him, "Killi and her are friends now."

"Huh, since when?" He said.

"Last night," Jackie responded for me.

"That's cool," he replied.

"That's it!" Jackie said with astonishment, "no stern talking to or anything?"

"Nope," he replied as they walked away from me and Jackie started yelling at him. I continued to walk down the long main school hallway when I felt something slam on my arm. I looked at my shoulder to see an arm. I followed the arm with my eyes to a shoulder, a neck, and then a face. The face belonged to Killi.

"Hey!" He said quite enthusiastically as my eyes met his.

"Hey back," I replied.

"So we still on for tonight?"

"Yeah definitely."

"Great, seven right?"

"That sounds right."

"Great I'll be there without my motorcycle," Killi added.

"Sounds great see you then." I replied turning the corner to the small somewhat secret hallway that my locker was in. I quickly put my coat, lunch, and water bottle in my locker and went back to the main hallway to head to my first class.


After my fifth period class I walked back to my locker and put my unwanted books in it and made sure I had the things I needed for my next three class periods after lunch. As I started back down the short secretly, hidden hallway that my locker was in Jackie came down the hallway doing this little skipping jogging thing. As she came closer I noticed she had this horrified, nervous look on face. I jogged the rest of the way down the hallway to her, "What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"It's Leland!" She replied, a little out of breathe. I immediately ran past Jackie and down the three flights of stairs to the basement where the lunchroom was. I expected to see a couple of the want-to-be-badass football players roughing him up and his food spread all over the floor, but he wasn't there. I stood there looking puzzled until someone grabbed my arm and yanked me through the cafeteria to the other staircase. Its was Jackie. She pulled me up half a flight of stairs to the landing where the door was. Here we could of either gone up the rest of the flight of stairs, where I hoped Leland was getting shoved into the lockers, or we could go out the door right in front of us, where there was a brick wall across one of the school parking lots. In my head I knew it was more likely that Jackie would drag me to the brick wall, but I was still praying we would go up the stairs. Then she did what I was praying she wouldn't. She pulled me to the door and ran into the push bar busting the door open. She continued to pull me across the parking lot while I mentally prepared myself for what I was about see. As we got to the brick wall across the parking lot there Leland was with three guys in letterman's jackets pushing him against the wall every time he tried to move.

"Hey professional want-to-bes!" I yelled. They froze. The one holding Leland to the wall turned his head followed by the other two. The leader pulled his hand down from it's previous position hovering over Leland's head.

"What?" He yelled back

"Back off him!" I yelled.

"No," he replied with a venom in his voice and finishing it off with a laugh.

"Yes!" I replied sternly stepping closer to them.

"Make me," he replied putting his hand back up by Leland's head."

"Fine," I replied. I was pissed off now. Leland was my best friend and I knew I couldn't do anything to stop the three good sized football players all in really good shape. I was screwed and I knew.

"Hey LD what's going on over," I turned to the fading voice behind, it was Killi. He was looking at the guys surrounding Leland. His hands were beginning to ball into fists, his kind eyes started to narrow, and his smile fell into a straight stern line on his face.

"I don't think you should be hurting people out here." He said as he stepped closer to the three guys and Leland.

"We can do whatever we want," he replied.

"I don't think so" and with that Killi was right next to them removing their hands from Leland. "Thanks," he replied as he began to walk away with his arm around Leland. Next thing I knew something hit the back of Killi's head. He turned and saw the leader's hand fall to his side. "Bad idea man!" Killi said and hit the kid square in the jaw with tremendous force. What happened next is expected when two guys throw a punch, a fight. To be honest I don't really remember how it ended all I know is that I was in charge of Walking Killi to the nurse to make sure he didn't have a concussion.


"Um... thanks," I said to Killi as he sat down in the chair right outside the nurse's office.

"No problem," he replied, " I don't like it when jocks like those guys try to beat up people like Leland just because they feel like it."

"Oh I see, well... thanks"

"No problem​"

"Hello there!" We both turned our heads there was the nurse in the doorway with a smile plastered on her face.

"Hi," Killi said.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Killian Breck," Killi replied

"Um I'm going to wait in the hallway, okay?" I asked Killi.

"Yeah that's cool." he replied and turned back to nurse sitting down in here wheely chair.

"Okay Killian," she started and she saw paying attention so she got up and closed cutting off the conversation from me. A few minutes later Killi opened the door and said thank you to the nurse.

"How'd it go? What did she say?" I asked as we walked down the hallway.

"I've got a minor concussion. I'll be just fine."

"Good I would feel so bad if you got seriously hurt because of Leland's daily bullying." I said with a kind smile.

"Come on don't worry about me I'm just fine," he replied with his big goofy smile, "Oh hey I actually got to go!" He said checking his phone that he had pulled out of his pocket, "See you tomorrow right?"

"Um what about the movie? Oh wait your concussion you can't go to the movies sorry I forgot."

"No, I can still go. Man I can't believe it slipped my mind! Is it still okay if I pick you up at seven o'clock?"

"Yeah it's cool." I replied. I waved goodbye to him as he turned around and ran for the nearest exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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