Killi! What Are You Doing Here!?

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By the time I had made it back to my rusty, beautiful old truck and drove home, my dad had made dinner. He also invited his friends over for dinner and a beer. "Hey Pops," I called as I walked in the door of my house

"Hey Crick, how was school?" He called back over the loud laughing of buddies.

"Not too bad," I replied walking to the kitchen where they were, "We just had a new stu... KILLI?" I practically shouted in surprised as I turned the corner of the hallway into my kitchen.

"Oh you guys know each other already?" My dad asked.

"Yeah Mr. Daulton I sorta shadowed her today at school." Killi replied with a hidden smirk on face directed at me.

"Oh cool," he began quickly turning his train of thought onto another track and added, like a brilliant light bulb has just turned on, "Dinner! Come sit down Cricket, eat with us." He said to me gesturing to the table in the middle of the room.

"Here," Killi said scooting over on the bench he was sitting on," you can sit next to me."

"Thanks," I reply awkwardly sitting down.


"Hey does anyone else want seconds or another beer?" my dad asked getting up to get himself another slice of Key Lime Pie.

"Yeah can I have a beer?" I ask.

"I don't think so Crickett." He answered with a stern look on his face. It was always a wonder to me how he was able to be so focussed while slightly intoxicated.

"Well then can I have another piece of Key Lime Pie?"

"Hey Daulton can I have a beer?" One of my dad's friends asked once I was finished.

"Yes and yes." he replied with smile to both of us while sticking his head in the fridge.

"Hey Killi what time is it?" Mr Breck asked from the corner looking at his son.

"About 10:30 probably," He responds turner back to the table, but instead of stopping at all the men sitting at the table his head continued to turn and looked straight at me instead. "Hey thanks for showing me around at school today."He says to me.

"No problem," I say with a slight fake smile on my face. I didn't often smile not because I didn't like it but because I never really found a reason to.

"Hey have you seen that new racing movie in theaters... uh what is it called?"

"Fast and Furious?" I questioned.

"Yeah that's it." He replied.

"Nope, but I'm definitely going to!"

"Do you want to go with me as friends? I get in for free because my friend works there."

"Sure when do you want to go?"

"Tomorrow at seven? I can pick you up?"

"Sure sounds great." I replied

"No motorcycle when you come to pick up my girl. Got that kid?!" My dad said very sternly looking at Killi from the other side of the table.

"Of course Mr D." He replied very respectfully.

"Shit it's really late." Mr Breck said from the corner, "I have to go to work tomorrow and it's already almost twelve o'clock! We gotta go Kill!" He said look at Killi.

"Yeah sounds good," he replied, "I'll pick you up at six-thirty ok?" He asked clarifying our plans for tomorrow.

"Yep," I responded, "see you tomorrow. Bye"

"Bye," replied as he walked out the back door following his dad.

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