Chapter 2

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This was an awkward moment of silence. Christie, Cara, Ivy, and I started staring at each other. We usually didn't let new people sit at our table.

"Sure you can!" Christie piped up all of the sudden.

Ivy, Cara, and I stared at each other. We usually didn't let new people sit at our table. 

"Thanks!" Hannah said.

"No problem," Christie replied casually, "Anytime."

Since when was Christie so nice? Oh well, we could use a new person in our group.

"So who's class are you in?" asked Ivy, " Christie and I are in Mrs. Claudio's class and Cara and Shirley are in Mrs. Penny's class."

"I'm in Mrs. Penny's class." replied Hannah.

There were several expressions on my friends' faces. I could see that Cara was happy, Ivy was relieved, and Christie was upset? Why did she like the new girl so much? I don't know. I don't really know what my expression was.

"Why did you move here?" asked Cara, who was usually nice to other people.

"Ummm, because my parents got offered a new job." Hannah replied uncertainly.

"Oh cool," said Cara.


"We have to go back to our homeroom now," Cara said, "Come on! Shirley and I will lead you."

"Thanks," Hannah replied.

We said our goodbyes and see you laters to Ivy and Christie and walked out the cafeteria door.

So... This chapter was really short because I have a lot of homework. If you liked this chapter, please vote! Also, comment if you have any ideas. I'm going to start working on Chapter 5 on my other story (The Magical World Called Fandom), so I won't be updating too often in this story.

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