Jurassic World AU!

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((Matilda is based off another OC of mine, Kathy, who is in my Alpha Female Jurassic Park fanfiction!))

In a world where man brought the dinosaurs back for a godforsaken amusement park, Jack Horne is known as a government asshole called Hoskins, Joshua Faraday is known as an Ex-Navy velociraptor trainer, Owen Grady, and Matilda Crawford is known as his girlfriend and partner in raptor training, Dr. Kathryn Doucet.

Granddaughter of the great John Hammond, the idiot who created Jurassic Park in the first place, Kathryn knew the risks of going back to that hell hole after twenty-two years of obviously avoiding it after her first encounter on the island when she was seven years old. But after her grandfather died and the park was renamed Jurassic World, Kathy decided that she needed to grow some balls and face her worst fear: velociraptors.

The very monsters that almost tore her to pieces when she was just a kid. The very monsters that had herself and her brother and sister trapped in a kitchen. The very monsters that tore her grandpa's coworkers apart. The very monsters who hunt and kill in packs and are extremely smart and lethal after eight months.

Facing her fear by raising four baby raptors from the very moment they hatched was not on her agenda, but at the same time, she couldn't complain. She got Owen Grady out of it, he even asked her out on the first day of meeting her when they were supposed to work together in raising these raptors, who Kathy let Owen name Blue, Delta, Echo, and Charlie. It was the least she could do after everything he has and is going to do for her.

The first few years of living, working and breathing in Jurassic World was -dare she say- magical. She was completely happy and most importantly in love with her Owen and her dino-girls. She happily lived in Owen's bungalow, always getting up early in the mornings to take a ride to the raptor paddock on her boyfriend's motorcycle and working the whole hot summer day with her odd but wonderful family. She had everything she ever wanted, the only thing she hated in her life was that asshole and bear of a man, Hoskins from the government, thinking he owned her raptors. All the same, she was completely happy.

Until one day, her nightmares had finally come back to haunt her. The asset, also known as the Indominous Rex, was out of containment and destroying Kathy's life. Everything went to hell, shit hitting the fan, and the humans have yet made another mistake as to even thinking that they could control these animals. Reliving what she had already experienced as a child, Kathryn was this time ready to start this fight.

After escaping the island along with thousands of other people, Kathy finds herself at a loss. She lost her girls, not exactly knowing if Blue was the last alive out of her pack, and lost her home. She lost her friends...

She even lost Owen.

They tried but they couldn't stay together any longer. They had fallen in love and raised their raptors on that island, now both of those factors were out of their lives forever. The part of them that even made them a family was gone. After barely scraping up enough money to live in a beat down apartment, the two had fought constantly. Neither backed down, and one day one of them blamed the other for losing their raptors, and the other stormed out, never wanting to see them again. Kathy doesn't exactly remember who or which of them was the one to walk out, it was all a bit fuzzy. Five years went by and she hasn't seen Owen since.

She found herself living off of her rich family's money, living under her sister's roof while sometimes taking a job from her brother, who traveled a lot for work. But other times, she worked as a barista in a small coffee shop in a run-down neighborhood. That job was practically killing her, and she was nearly dying of boredom.

Until one day she hands a cup of coffee off to a gruffly-beared yet handsome Mexican and everything came smacking back to her in the face.

After taking a sip of what he ordered, the rugged man scowled and cursed, "No debería tener que esperar tanto tiempo solo por mierda de vaca como esta."

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