Werewolf AU!

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((Matilda lives in what she calls a 'cottage' in the middle of nowhere and suddenly finds herself being surrounded by a small pack of wolves. Also, this is a crossover to another movie, and no, it has nothing to do with werewolves. So you can cross off Twilight or Teen Wolf. Can you guess what movie it is?))

She's been told how big the wolf activity is higher up in the mountains, and so she decided on buying that abandoned cabin in that very territory, miles away from the nearest town. That way, nobody would even bother visiting her.

Matilda knew she was crazy, but at the same time she was trying to avoid detection, so if she wanted a fresh start, then she better make the best of whatever she can get.

Living in what she considers to be a log cabin all by herself in the middle of the forest, with snowy mountains practically glaring over her wasn't exactly a place she wanted to call home, but she knew she couldn't stop it now. She had to make the most of it, but she had to admit:

Feeding a stray wolf wasn't exactly the brightest thing she's ever done.

She remembered it to be a very early morning, the heavy mist blanketing the field of dead wheat outside, making the forest wall beyond look eery and horrific. Tilda watched the morning from inside her home, peering out from the window just above the kitchen sink. She was sipping on some bland coffee, trying to decide on what to do for the day, then she spots it.

Red fur.

Not fully red. From what she can tell, it wasn't dark enough to even be considered red. Its fur could even be called orange from what she could see. And what she thought could just be a huge fox, was most definitely a wolf. It had a brighter underbelly, and a little rough around the edges, with a blond snout with a pure black nose.

It was wandering all alone, just on the edge of the woods, sniffing out something while it pawed at the ground once in a while. As she watched it was around the same time she sets down her mug, and with a clink the wolf's head perks up at the same exact moment she lets her coffee go.

She sucked in a breath as the wolf noticed her staring through the window. It tilts its head at her, maybe out of curiosity, then in a flash, it disappears into the forest.

Matilda was a little tired that day, and so she uses that as an excuse as to why she thought to leave some raw meat out on her porch was a good idea. A little 'don't hunt me please and I'll feed you in return' offering.

The next day, it comes back, and it does take that little peace offering, so she leaves more out.

The next day is the same. The wolf comes all the way up to her porch and eats before disappearing again, and so Tilda repeats this new routine of feeding her new friend.

But the week after, she looks out her window and finds two wolves. The first one is definitely the one she's been seeing around, but the second one is new.

This wolf is maybe a little bit smaller, but still big for a normal wolf nonetheless. Its coat looked all blond, almost pure white besides the usual dirt covering something that lives out in the forest. As the orange one approaches her porch, Matilda notes that its friend is a little more cautious in doing so. But once the white wolf makes it up to the front steps, it tilts its head once the orange wolf indicates to the fresh bit of meat Matilda now leaves out every morning.

Considering that the white wolf was skinnier, she kind of found it heartwarming with the fact that her orange wolf was now feeding clearly hungry animals. At first, the white dog doesn't eat it, but after a couple insisting snarls from the orange one, the new wolf eats it all and then they leave, clearly satisfied. Tilda felt a little proud to watch that happen.

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