Tagged By Del

61 7 46

Okie, so my friend _DeliriousWaffle_Del tagged me (thanks again by the way) so I'm here to do that ^^

Okie, so my friend _DeliriousWaffle_Del tagged me (thanks again by the way) so I'm here to do that ^^

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1. Uh... Some kind of Samsung...

I have no idea, all I know is that's it's a Samsung 😅

2. Not really, Sorry guys ^^

3. May 7 (2 days after yours Del)

4. Hmm... On WP:


IRL Friends With WP:

-Mari/(don't know her username atm[I think she changed it{sorry guys}])

Friends IRL W/O WP:

-Mari Ana

Okay, long-ish list, moving on ^^

5. This Is A Long One:

-House of Memories: P!atD
-Skulls: Bastille
-Fences: Paramore
-Handlebars: Flobits
-Numb: Linkin Park
-Sad Song: We The Kings
-Stand Up: The Cab
-This Little Girl: Cady Groves
-Something's Gotta Give: All Time Low
-There! Right There!: Legally Blonde (the musical)
-Nightmare: Set It Off
-Temporary Bliss: The Cab
-The Haunting: Set It Off

That's all... for now

Highly recommend you listen to all of these, cause they're amazing 😄

6. Now that's hard... let's see... individually, I'd say... either, Spiders, A Clown, The Dark, or... Going Backwards (I'll explain this later). But combined altogether, it'd be a Spider wearing Clown makeup chasing me Backwards in the Dark.

I know I'm weird.

Okay, so the whole backwards thing... I can not handle going backwards. Dentist chairs, walking, just leaning backwards. I can not do it without freaking out. I don't know why, and I don't know how, but I'm afraid of going backwards.



7. Originally dirty blonde/blonde but I recently got red/orange highlights that make my look strawberry blonde ^^

8. English


Not even swimming. I just do it cause my parents force me to do a sport -_-

10. Hmm... I tag...

Whomever wants to do this

Im to lazy to tag anyone



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