I Feel Kinda Bad, But...

22 7 16

Alrighty, so the reason for this little title (^^^ up there) is because I... Well, I wasn't really a showoff, but I did kinda make my friend feel bad about herself...

I didn't try ;-;

Okay, so according to everyone who's ever heard me sing, I have a really amazing (singing) voice. My friend has a deeper singing voice. She doesn't like her singing voice though, but it's actually kinda pretty. If she were to work on it and maybe get a musical instructor, I think she'd sound really good.

Anywho, we'd decided to do karaoke after school today (along with one other friend who sang 1 song then gave the microphone to me) and because of my (supposed) great voice I was getting a lot of points (the song was Love Story by Taylor Swift [keep in mind I've had this song memorized since I was about 9])

So I won that round. We did a few more songs... I continued winning... after a little bit, one of the people who work at the after school place we go to walked in. At that moment, I had been turning some lower octave notes into some higher octave notes that I could sing well (I absolutely suck at low notes[my friend had purposely picked deep songs {singing an octave higher is actually pretty easy 😂}]). So when the person walked in, she then said something along the lines of "blah blah angelic voices blah blah" (she didn't say blah, I just can't remember what she said...)

She basically called my voice angelic (you could hear mine much clearer than my friends' [low notes are typically harder to hear when paired with higher notes]) along with my friends'

This caused me to be self conscious

And then my friend brought up her usual reasoning of "you won so your voice is much better than mine. Don't try to sugar coat it, my voice is horrible. You just dont want to hurt my feelings." Etc.

I don't try okay

I was born that way

If I could stop singing forever to make her feel better about herself, I would

I don't do it intentionally either. I hear a song I know and I have to just sing it.

I don't mean to brag,I I don't mean to showoff, but I can't even fake being a bad singer.

I know she gets jealous about it, but she should love her voice more. So what if she doesn't win a stupid karaoke game? Doesn't mean her voice sucks.

Man, I'm probably just ranting now huh?

But to be fair, she did leave me to walk by myself...


Sorry, I just had to get this off my chest.


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